I gave this command to see if it happened more often and it turned out it 
happened quite often already.

 # grep 'relay attempt blocked for non local BCC recipient' 
/opt/ASSP/logs/*maillog.txt  | egrep -o '\[RelayAttempt\] 
[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
      2 [RelayAttempt] 202.58.80.
      2 [RelayAttempt] 218.30.111.
     14 [RelayAttempt] 195.248.77.
     18 [RelayAttempt] 74.125.83.
     20 [RelayAttempt] 209.85.160.
     24 [RelayAttempt] 209.85.161.
     26 [RelayAttempt] 207.126.144.
     30 [RelayAttempt] 194.171.56.
     58 [RelayAttempt] 74.125.82.
    108 [RelayAttempt] 209.85.210.
Google may do something wrong/awkward, but such a major player can't be ignored 
that easily.


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van:Jean-Pierre van Melis <j...@mirmana.com>
Verzonden:vr 20-04-2012 14:15
Onderwerp:530 Relaying not allowed - BCC recipient (p...@domain.nl) is not local

Hi All,

A postfix mailserver that's protected by ASSP received an email to a valid 
recipient in its BCC-field coming from a Google mailserver.

It gave this message.

According to the Postfix log it never even asked if it could relay this message.

Do I have an awkward setting / situation or did I encounter a bug?


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