> > Subj: assp spawning spam
> > on an installation of mine
> >they managed to get hold of the boss address (of all addresses) 
> >and they send spam to the outside world.
> "they"  -- is who?  
> Computer with antispam?  
> Or computers of internal users?

I suspect that someone "bruteforced" or either obtained by other means
(a virus, phishing...) the email credentials and is now using them to
authenticate and spit out junk; there are a couple settings in ASSPv2
which I'd recommend to avoid such issues; first of all, the "rate
limiter" which allows you to configure the max number of messages per
time interval which a given account can send; start by setting up it
this way


and configure the "files/nolocalfrequency.txt" file to contain just the
local assp address (used to send reports and so on); also, ensure that
the "notification email to" (Notify) under "logging" contains a valid
address since ASSP will then send infos about senders tripping over the
rate limiter to such an address; next, edit "lib\CorrectASSPcfg.pm" and
add it (or uncomment) the following

$main::AUTHLogUser = 1;

save the file and restart ASSP, the above tells ASSP to log a line to
the maillog containing a given authenticated user "name", this way,
you'll be able to check "who" is logging (or trying to log) into your
box... then, sit back and monitor your ASSP for a while

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