Hi there,


I'm wondering what's the best way to troubleshoot a Bayes mistake. We get
tonnes of fake bank security alert emails and nearly all of them got


Imagine my surprise to see one in my own inbox this morning from
barcl...@email.barclays.co.uk <mailto:barcl...@email.barclays.co.uk> 


So I checked the logs. What I found was more surprising. The exact same
message with the exact same content (I compared the .eml files and only the
headers were different) hit my server later on and was blocked by Bayes. I
hadn't reported the previous one as a false negative yet.


Is there any way to figure out why Bayes made a boob on the first one?





2014-01-30 09:41:52 m1-74904-00342 [Worker_4] [TLS-in] [TLS-out] <barcl...@email.barclays.co.uk> to: m...@mydomain.tld HMM Check
[scoring] - Prob: 1.00000 => spam

2014-01-30 09:41:52 m1-74904-00342 [Worker_4] [TLS-in] [TLS-out] <barcl...@email.barclays.co.uk> to: m...@mydomain.tld
Message-Score: added 20 for HMM Probability: 1.0000, total score for this
message is now 35

2014-01-30 09:41:53 m1-74904-00342 [Worker_4] [TLS-in] [TLS-out] <barcl...@email.barclays.co.uk> to: m...@mydomain.tld Bayesian
Check [scoring] - Prob: 0.10750 => ham



2014-01-30 12:40:56 m1-85654-02281 [Worker_7] [TLS-out]
<barcl...@email.barclays.co.uk> to: m...@mydomain.tld HMM Check [scoring] -
Prob: 1.00000 => spam

2014-01-30 12:40:56 m1-85654-02281 [Worker_7] [TLS-out]
<barcl...@email.barclays.co.uk> to: m...@mydomain.tld Message-Score: added 20
for HMM Probability: 1.0000, total score for this message is now 40

2014-01-30 12:40:56 m1-85654-02281 [Worker_7] [TLS-out]
<barcl...@email.barclays.co.uk> to: m...@mydomain.tld Bayesian Check [scoring]
- Prob: 0.99597 => spam

2014-01-30 12:40:56 m1-85654-02281 [Worker_7] [TLS-out]
<barcl...@email.barclays.co.uk> to: m...@mydomain.tld Message-Score: added 30
for Bayesian Probability: 0.99597, total score for this message is now 70



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