:: On Fri, 14 Mar 2014 13:51:37 -0000
:: <sig.91501147d0.000001cf3f8c$85a7ed20$90f7c760$@lanternhosting.co.uk>
:: "Colin Waring" <co...@lanternhosting.co.uk> wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone else was seeing an increase in spam
> messages that come with a valid DKIM signature? It has gotten to the
> point where I have had to set DoDKIM to disabled because so much
> rubbish is coming through and I can't think of many circumstances
> where DKIM is actually used extensively.

I don't think it's a DKIM issue (or an SPF one or whatever); see, the
number of bots trying to bruteforce credentials (either over SMTP or
POP3/IMAP) dramatically raised (and I'm not counting the malware which
steals them from victim's machines) and once those credentials are
upped to some botnet controller, the bots will just start pumping a
lot of junk through a server using the stolen credentials and DKIM or
SPF won't be able to do much; bottom line, ensure to check for bounces
and keep an eye on your servers; as for bounces; if someone here is
running on win and using the IIS SMTP as the outbound mail router, it
may (will !) be a good idea to configure it to also send a copy of NDR
emails to some mailbox you manage (say ndr...@example.com) so that
you'll be able to see the bounces and take action (ok, this is a raw
and straight approach but as a first step it's better than nothing)

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