Actually this raises a few other questions (sorry!).

Monitoring runs on localhost and the script basically calls the telnet command 
then searches the output for "Connected". The web admin is configured to use 
https so the monitoring command should never actually set up a session with 
ASSP. I'll need to do a bit more with the script to change it to look for a 
particular response on port 55553.

Some of our configuration files are generated externally, such as localdomains 
which comes from a combination of different systems. Would there be a preferred 
way to have any updates sent to ASSP rather than overwriting the file? I know 
this isn't causing the problem as the first thing I did was stop the scripts 

I just set up different users so we could stop using root, clicked logout and 
got the login prompt. When I tried to log back in I got "user root is currently 
logged on from host - no new sessions will be accepted until root has 
logged off". So it looks like even though I clicked logout the session didn't 
get cleaned up properly.

All the best,
Colin Waring.

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Eckardt [] 
Sent: 10 March 2015 16:04
To: ASSP development mailing list
Subject: Re: [Assp-test] Localdomains stopping working

>It doesn't authenticate and doesn't attempt to do anything with the
>I wouldn't have thought that an unauthenticated connection would be 
to have any impact

The reason is the root login without an logout. assp caches the complete web 
communication for the root account. Because it is doing this, no other login is 
allowed while root has an active login.
Now for example - if the monitor (55555) runs on the same system or is 
connected from the same IP (NAT) like a root-web session it may possible 
(should not, but who knows) that the monitor connection is misinterpreted. 
There is simply no web connection code in assp, that expects a non-browser 
The web code of assp is written for browsers and it is not perfect in terms of 
security if http is used. For this reason https should be used and if anyhow 
possible a Client-SSL-certificate authentication should be configured mandatory.

>You're a star as always.

No, I'm a gyp artist.
Call me "Betelgeuse" :):)

Colin, do a telnet to assp port 55553 (webStatPort) and press two times enter - 
you'll get the right answer - 'healthy'
or the bad one - 'not healthy'. Both answers are configurable. I think your 
monitor don't need to know more.


Von:    Colin Waring <>
An:     ASSP development mailing list <>
Datum:  10.03.2015 13:30
Betreff:        Re: [Assp-test] Localdomains stopping working

Hi Thomas,

Thank you for the very in depth responses. You're a star as always. I'll give 
them a proper review later.

My first thought is that the monitoring script that I use only checks that it 
can open a connection. It doesn't authenticate and doesn't attempt to do 
anything with the connection. I wouldn't have thought that an unauthenticated 
connection would be able to have any impact on the configuration as that seems 
like a significant security issue.

The monitoring script runs every 60s not five minutes, I did previously look at 
SNMP but couldn't get any results so I'll add that to the high priority list. I 
use that script as it has other monitors in such as queue length, MTA 
monitoring and some system admin tasks.

We will definitely stop using the root login though. Strange how we haven't 
seen any issues at all until last week.

All the best,
Colin Waring

On 10 Mar 2015 10:38, Thomas Eckardt <> wrote:
Colin - I find it hard to believe. You brought home the bacon. :):):)

NEVER EVER use the web listerner 55555 to monitor assp - this can lead in to 
unexpected config changes or config reloads - in worth case you can lose parts 
or the complete configuration.

These are very BASIC IT rules - and they also applies to assp:

Don't login to assp as 'root'. Use 'root' only, if you need to access 
restricted configuration parameters.
NEVER forget to use the 'logout' button in the GUI - especially NOT if root is 
logged on!

>2015-03-09 09:38:34 [Main_Thread] Option list file:
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' reloaded (localDomains) with 106 
>2015-03-09 09:43:33 [Main_Thread] Adminupdate: [root] 
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' for config 'localDomains'

>2015-03-09 21:37:10 [Main_Thread] Option list file:
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' reloaded (localDomains) with 104 
>2015-03-09 21:42:11 [Main_Thread] Adminupdate: [root] 
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' for config 'localDomains'

exactly 5 minutes difference - Colin, can you remember about this 5 minutes - 
is it an accidental circumstance, that the monitor to port 55555 is running 
every 5 minutes ??
But - it is NOT a  accidental circumstance, that the last root web-session was 
not logged out!

all has been said

>2015-03-09 00:04:33 [Main_Thread] Info: added schedule : BlockReport -
for : *@domain.tld=>*=>1=> - at : 0 0,4,8,12,16,20 * * * - next run is at
: 2015-03-09 04:00:00

this is normal - the MaintThread has changed the file after the blockreport is 

>2015-03-09 02:42:11 [Main_Thread] Option list file:
'/usr/local/assp/files/droplist.txt' reloaded (droplist) with 658 records

this is normal - the MaintThread has download the file

>This is a huge problem, as localdomains errors cause mail to be
incorrectly rejected and leads to serious complaints. If I can't resolve this 
within the next few days I'm likely to have to switch to a different product 
which I really don't want to do.

good luck


Von:    Colin Waring <>
An:     ASSP development mailing list <>
Datum:  10.03.2015 10:05
Betreff:        Re: [Assp-test] Localdomains stopping working

Hi again,

This looks to be a more serious issue now affecting other config files. It 
appears that ASSP reloads the flat files and gets the entries wrong.
192.168.11.X is my home office subnet that is allowed access to the admin 
interface via VPN. This brings up two things.

1) At first glance it looks like ASSP is incorrectly and sometimes partially 
reloading the localdomains file whenever a setting is changed via the admin 
interface. Localdomains.txt did not change at all yesterday yet we have 
differing numbers of entries indicating the file was only partially loaded.
2) The first entry at 00:34:50 is impossible. The router for 192.168.11.X was 
turned off at approximately 22:30 and not turned back on until 07:00 therefore 
there could not have been any admin update from the 192.168.11.X subnet.
3) None of these coincide with actual connections to the admin interface.
There are no logs preceding that say "IP 192.168.11.X matches 
allAdminConnectionsFrom". The only admin connections to this instance were at 
2015-03-08 14:42:01 from .11 and 2015-03-09 08:02:14 from .13

2015-03-09 00:34:50 [Main_Thread] Adminupdate: [root] file 
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' for config 'localDomains' was changed
2015-03-09 00:34:50 [Main_Thread] Option list file:
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' reloaded (localDomains) with 139 
2015-03-09 09:38:34 [Main_Thread] Adminupdate: [root] file 
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' for config 'localDomains' was changed
2015-03-09 09:38:34 [Main_Thread] Option list file:
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' reloaded (localDomains) with 106 
2015-03-09 09:43:33 [Main_Thread] Adminupdate: [root] file 
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' for config 'localDomains' was changed
2015-03-09 09:43:33 [Main_Thread] Option list file:
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' reloaded (localDomains) with 139 
2015-03-09 16:04:02 [Main_Thread] Adminupdate: [root] file 
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' for config 'localDomains' was changed
2015-03-09 16:04:02 [Main_Thread] Option list file:
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' reloaded (localDomains) with 139 
2015-03-09 21:37:10 [Main_Thread] Adminupdate: [root] file 
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' for config 'localDomains' was changed
2015-03-09 21:37:10 [Main_Thread] Option list file:
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' reloaded (localDomains) with 104 
2015-03-09 21:42:11 [Main_Thread] Adminupdate: [root] file 
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' for config 'localDomains' was changed
2015-03-09 21:42:11 [Main_Thread] Option list file:
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' reloaded (localDomains) with 139 

Digging more into the first entry I get:

2015-03-09 00:34:50 [Main_Thread] Saving config
2015-03-09 00:34:50 [Main_Thread] Info: no configuration changes detected
- nothing to save - file /usr/local/assp/assp.cfg is unchanged
2015-03-09 00:34:50 [Main_Thread] Adminupdate: [root] file 
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' for config 'localDomains' was changed
2015-03-09 00:34:50 [Main_Thread] Option list file:
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' reloaded (localDomains) with 139 

I also see the following indicating that the same problem may be affecting 
other config files. The block report file, like the localdomains file has not 
changed at all for days (and certainly wouldn't have been changed at
midnight) yet there is an entry indicating the addition of a line that has been 
there for years.

2015-03-09 00:04:33 [Main_Thread] Saving config
2015-03-09 00:04:33 [Main_Thread] Info: no configuration changes detected
- nothing to save - file /usr/local/assp/assp.cfg is unchanged
2015-03-09 00:04:33 [Main_Thread] Adminupdate: [root] file 
'/usr/local/assp/files/blockreportuser.txt' for config 'BlockReportFile'
was changed
2015-03-09 00:04:33 [Main_Thread] Info: added schedule : BlockReport - for
: *@domain.tld=>*=>1=> - at : 0 0,4,8,12,16,20 * * * - next run is at :
2015-03-09 04:00:00

2015-03-09 02:42:11 [Main_Thread] Saving config
2015-03-09 02:42:11 [Main_Thread] Info: no configuration changes detected
- nothing to save - file /usr/local/assp/assp.cfg is unchanged
2015-03-09 02:42:11 [Main_Thread] Adminupdate: [root] file 
'/usr/local/assp/files/droplist.txt' for config 'droplist' was changed
2015-03-09 02:42:11 [Main_Thread] Option list file:
'/usr/local/assp/files/droplist.txt' reloaded (droplist) with 658 records

I can only presume that the IP address being listed is simply the last address 
logged as connecting to the web admin interface rather than the real reason 
that triggered the reload.

This is a huge problem, as localdomains errors cause mail to be incorrectly 
rejected and leads to serious complaints. If I can't resolve this within the 
next few days I'm likely to have to switch to a different product which I 
really don't want to do.

All the best,
Colin Waring.

-----Original Message-----
From: Colin []
Sent: 03 March 2015 17:44
To: ASSP development mailing list
Subject: [Assp-test] Localdomains stopping working


We've had this a couple of times in the last week or so:

2015-03-03 15:17:15 [Main_Thread] Saving config
2015-03-03 15:17:15 [Main_Thread] Info: no configuration changes detected
- nothing to save - file /usr/local/assp/assp.cfg is unchanged
2015-03-03 15:17:15 [Main_Thread] Adminupdate: [root ] file 
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' for config 'localDomains' was changed
2015-03-03 15:17:15 [Main_Thread] Option list file:
'/usr/local/assp/files/localdomains.txt' reloaded (localDomains) with
104 records

On the face of it, looks fine as it loads all the entries but after this point 
ASSP acts as though the file is empty. All inbound mail gets bounced

[SMTP Error] 530 Relaying not allowed (enable smtp authentication on your email 

I've verified with the MTA that this isn't an MTA error, ASSP is generating 
this before passing the connection on to it.

The localdomains.txt file is updated automatically by a script so that could be 
the trigger for the reload.

Any thoughts?

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