In working more and more to figure out a way to get specific mailers
through ASSP, I thought of a concept that I think is worthy of at least

One of the things that I see is a handful of companies who use a third
party mass mailers.  Some spammers use that same mailer, so senderbase or
other bonus options based on the mailer won't work. Unfortunately, spammers
are also using this from  I could use a bombre to give a bonus, but because
spamemrs are also  occasionally using the from, that could be tough.

Our corpus, while 15k messages in spam and not-spam, only looks to about
2500 notspam messages due to the spam messages not having much variance.
Unfortunately, the messages that I am trying to let through, often are
blocked as HMM and Bayesian spam.  (I know I can change the confidence
levels, but I'm still working to figure that out.  I also know that I can
add the messages to the errors not spam folder, but that doesn't seem to
completely fix the issue).

SO - I was thinking that it might be a good idea to be able to assign a
bonus score for specific from domains if a DKIM signature passes and/or if
a SPF record passes.

Does this make any sense?  Is there a better way?
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