:: On Wed, 16 Sep 2015 09:04:55 -0400
:: <CALhpkAkaSHBDm0zkjTpX0YNxp5izZzA1yYr=m-uap+ahz-v...@mail.gmail.com>
:: K Post <nntp.p...@gmail.com> wrote:

> DNSReuseSocket being unticked didn't help.  Another 4 hours after
> restarting and the RWL/RBL errors are back.

first of all, are you using your own DNS resolvers or are you relying
on some external (public, ISP, ...) DNS resolver ? In the latter case,
keep in mind that, while using public resolvers for (say) surfing or
the like, when it comes to mail routing and DNS list checking you
*must* use your own recursive (no forwarding to external DNS !)
full resolver; also, and since we're at DNS, ensure that your firewall
allows both UDP *and* TCP traffic toward port 53 of whatever external
DNS host (this is also needed if you run an internal resolver) *AND*
ensure that UDP packets above 512 bytes (used by EDNS) won't be dropped
by some dumb firewall rule

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