You've set the hidden config variable '$DKIMconvHTML2base64' to the not default value 1. This causes a regex mistake to come up.
in sub DKIMgen_Run look for the line ( line 28304) if($DKIMconvHTML2base64 && $this->{header}=~ /\015\012\Content-Type:\s*text\/(?:ht|x)ml/sio) { and change it to if($DKIMconvHTML2base64 && $this->{header}=~ /\015\012Content-Type:\s*text\/(?:ht|x)ml/sio) { (notice the backslash in front of the 'C') - the backslash is nonsense - I'm sorry for this. You may also set '$DKIMconvHTML2base64' back to zero, if Mail::DKIM is uptodate. The next release will fix this. How ever, there is anything strange in your Perl installation. If assp is running interactive, STDOUT and STDERR are written to the terminal. In all other cases (service or daemon) both handles are closed. The line \C is deprecated in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\015\012\C <-- HERE ontent-Type:\s*text/(?:ht|x)ml/ at sub main::DKIMgen_Run line is a Perl warning, which is written to STDERR - it should be NEVER written to the SMTP-Socket - like in your case. Don't care about at the moment - but keep it in mind! Notice that Perl 5.22 has an experimental state for assp V2! It is possible that I can't help you, if you run assp on Perl 5.22 in production mode. Thomas Von: Alex <> An: "" <> Datum: 18.12.2015 13:11 Betreff: [Assp-test] ASSP 2.4.6(15351) DKIM sending mail problem Hi, I upgraded to perl v5.22.1 via pacman (ArchLinux) and restartet ASSP. I tried to send a mail containing the subject "test" and the body "test". At my gmail account I received the mail without subject and the following body: (I replaced the domain and names) \C is deprecated in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\015\012\C <-- HERE ontent-Type:\s*text/(?:ht|x)ml/ at sub main::DKIMgen_Run line 93.DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=replaced.domain; h=Message-ID:From:Subject:To;; bh=/edzoYuyn17WXm8KeqcX/R+khdQ=; b=WpUV4EL7IXFWb5DAaDW/CLCqK/nRaUkCPAWEFD2zUPo/PJKkzWmdiOU4ZSHoYXFwAFS/4amvsS2dBuK80a98PttRW/e0/DBMXDHdcSN7SOKTeeMA8f4DkbrPKGJuwl6a37YxAAqRMT89ZeCrCUoIZ6+ei+Q9PX5irQ5QhLLe+mE= Received: from replaced.domain ([replaced.ipv6] helo=replaced.domain) by replaced.domain with SMTPSA(TLSv1_2 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256) (2.4.6); 18 Dec 2015 12:49:45 +0100 To: From: Replaced Name <replaced.user@replaced.domain> Subject: test Message-ID: <5673F2D9.1060000@replaced.domain> Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2015 12:49:45 +0100 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.5.0 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Assp-Version: 2.4.6(15351) on replaced.domain X-Assp-ID: replaced.domain m1-39386-11554 X-Assp-Session: 7F101D3A52F8 (mail 1) X-Assp-Envelope-From: replaced.user@replaced.domain X-Assp-Intended-For: X-Assp-Client-TLS: yes test How can I fix or debug this? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________________________ Assp-test mailing list DISCLAIMER: ******************************************************* This email and any files transmitted with it may be confidential, legally privileged and protected in law and are intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. This email was multiple times scanned for viruses. There should be no known virus in this email! *******************************************************
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