Just trying to understand how an email that looks (to the user) like is it from a local address has been accepted. The From address has a local domain but the Return-Path and X-Sender headers have different (remote) addresses.

I assume that assp is using the Return-Path address for local address/domain checks but to a user, they see the From address in their client (and start making chaps payments!). Is there a circumstance where a local From address should be allowed (if configured not to allow remote local address/domains) ? Especially if it differs to the Return-Path ?

Or am I mis-reading this ?

The headers for the email in question are below. In this case example.com is the local domain (boris.hi...@example.com is not valid local address mind)

Return-Path: <j...@cristeara.com>
Delivered-To: example-com-bo...@example.com
Received: (qmail 1388 invoked by uid 1010); 26 Jan 2016 10:23:43 +0000
Delivered-To: example-com-i...@example.com
Received: (qmail 1381 invoked by uid 1001); 26 Jan 2016 10:23:32 +0000
Received: from localhost (HELO n1plwbeout07-05.prod.ams1.secureserver.net) (
  by example.co.uk with SMTP; 26 Jan 2016 10:23:32 +0000
Received: from n1plsmtp07-05-02.prod.ams1.secureserver.net ([]
helo=n1plwbeout07-05.prod.ams1.secureserver.net) by assp.example.co.uk with
  SMTP (2.4.6); 26 Jan 2016 10:23:31 +0000
Received: from localhost ([])
  by n1plwbeout07-05.prod.ams1.secureserver.net with bizsmtp
  id AaPV1s00102rFxo01aPVZl; Tue, 26 Jan 2016 03:23:29 -0700
X-SID: AaPV1s00102rFxo01
Received: (qmail 22212 invoked by uid 99); 26 Jan 2016 10:23:29 -0000
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"
User-Agent: Workspace Webmail 5.16.2
Message-Id: <20160126032327.4f766d34cb74ae283024d8eb23e43a0c.636c9dbfcc....@email07.europe.secureserver.net>
From: "Boris Hinde" <boris.hi...@example.com>
X-Sender: j...@cristeara.com
Reply-To: "Boris Hinde" <aprivatemai...@gmail.com>
To: i...@example.com
Subject: Chap payment
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 03:23:27 -0700
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Assp-ID: assp.example.co.uk 03812-12809
X-Assp-Session: 7F6CB3194030 (mail 1)
X-Assp-Envelope-From: j...@cristeara.com
X-Assp-Intended-For: i...@example.com
X-Assp-Version: 2.4.6(15354) on assp.example.co.uk
X-Assp-Delay: not delayed (gripvalue low: 0.21); 26 Jan 2016
  10:23:32 +0000
X-Assp-Message-Score: -1 ( in griplist (0.21))
X-Original-Authentication-Results: assp.example.co.uk; spf=pass
X-Assp-Message-Score: -10 (SPF pass)
X-Assp-IP-Score: -10 (SPF pass)
X-Assp-Message-Score: 10 (Foreign IP-Country NL (GODADDY.COM, LLC))
X-Assp-Message-Score: 28 (Bayesian Probability: 0.83601)
X-Assp-IP-Score: 28 (Bayesian Probability: 0.83601)
X-Assp-Spam-Prob: 0.83601
X-Assp-Spam-Level: ******

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