I thought I'd try to duplicate this problem, but was unsuccessful.  I 
implemented TLS on Friday evening in production, and today during my 
lunch break I created a 3MB encrypted file and sent it as an attachment 
from my Gmail account to an account I have behind ASSP.  The email took 
25 seconds to send, which is probably about as fast as the line I have 
at the colo could transfer it.

My environment:

ASSP version 2.5.1(16177)
Net::SSLeay     1.72
IO::Socket::SSL 2.022
Net::SMTP::SSL  1.02

Cert is from StartSSL and has 4 common names on it.
Server is Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Virtualized on VMWare ESXi on an ancient Dell R200.
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3210  / 2GB for the guest.

Both my mail server and ASSP server are behind a firewall on a private 
subnet so I have encryption between them disabled.

My mail server handles only 9000 emails/day.

- Bob

Aug-02-16 14:01:26 m1-60886-01098 [Worker_1] [TLS-in] 
<fakeaddr...@gmail.com> info: found message size announcement: 4.11 MByte
Aug-02-16 14:01:26 m1-60886-01098 [Worker_1] [TLS-in] 
<fakeaddr...@gmail.com> message proxied without processing - message 
size (4307321) is above 500000 (npSize).
Aug-02-16 14:01:26 m1-60886-01098 [Worker_1] [TLS-in] 
<fakeaddr...@gmail.com> Message-Score: added -10 (tlsValencePB) for 
SSL-TLS-connection-OK, total score for this message is now -10
Aug-02-16 14:01:26 m1-60886-01098 [Worker_1] [TLS-in] [NoProcessing] <fakeaddr...@gmail.com> to: bcoff...@infofromdata.com 
message proxied without processing (except checks enabled for 
noprocessing mails)
Aug-02-16 14:01:26 m1-60886-01098 [Worker_1] [TLS-in] 
<fakeaddr...@gmail.com> to: bcoff...@infofromdata.com Whitelisted sender 
address: fakeaddr...@gmail.com for recipient bcoff...@infofromdata.com
Aug-02-16 14:01:26 m1-60886-01098 [Worker_1] [TLS-in] 
<fakeaddr...@gmail.com> to: bcoff...@infofromdata.com DKIM-Signature found
Aug-02-16 14:01:26 m1-60886-01098 [Worker_1] [TLS-in] 
<fakeaddr...@gmail.com> to: bcoff...@infofromdata.com info: found known 
good HELO 'mail-io0-f170.google.com' - weight is -2
Aug-02-16 14:01:26 m1-60886-01098 [Worker_1] [TLS-in] 
<fakeaddr...@gmail.com> to: bcoff...@infofromdata.com Message-Score: 
added -40 for KnownGoodHelo, total score for this message is now -50
Aug-02-16 14:01:51 m1-60886-01098 [Worker_1] [TLS-in] 
<fakeaddr...@gmail.com> to: bcoff...@infofromdata.com [Plugin] calling 
plugin ASSP_AFC
Aug-02-16 14:01:51 m1-60886-01098 [Worker_1] [TLS-in] 
<fakeaddr...@gmail.com> to: bcoff...@infofromdata.com info: 1 attachment 
found for Level-1
Aug-02-16 14:01:51 m1-60886-01098 [Worker_1] [TLS-in] 
<fakeaddr...@gmail.com> to: bcoff...@infofromdata.com message proxied 
without processing (no bad attachments)
Aug-02-16 14:01:51 m1-60886-01098 [Worker_1] [TLS-in] [MessageOK] <fakeaddr...@gmail.com> to: bcoff...@infofromdata.com 
message ok - (noProcessing - message size (4307321) is above 500000 
(npSize)) - [Test Attachment]

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