I've seen this a couple times now with 21277.  Windows.

error: unable to close Socket IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x10fd4f70) -  - Bad
file descriptor


Oct-05-21 08:51:09 *** (our internal smtp ip):25 didn't work, trying
others... - Too many open files
Oct-05-21 08:51:09 Error: couldn't create server socket to (our internal
smtp ip):25 -- aborting connection
Oct-05-21 08:51:09 [SMTP Status] 421 <assp.ourcharity.org> service
temporarily unavailable, closing transmission
Oct-05-21 08:51:09 xx.32.204.172 disconnected: session:98B71A10
xx.32.204.172 - processing time 0 seconds

I've restarted the machine, but if this happens again (and it likely will
being that I've seen it a couple times now), where can I look to help
determine what files are getting stuck open and the cause?

I should note that this is a relatively new Windows 2019 install.
Strawberry Perl  MySQL 8.0.26.  All modules up to date.  Very
light load.  I didn't see this error until I started with 21277, but there
wasn't much traffic on previous builds in this particular installation.

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