Thanks for the fix in 21280!
" the definition of an invalid regular expression in 'NotifyRe' may caused
a crash of the assp process"

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 1:53 PM K Post <> wrote:

> Nothing urgent, but I managed to completely crash assp by entering an
> invalid regex.
> In trying to keep on eye on the annoying failed TLS smtp server pool, I
> intended to put a NotifyRE together like:
> connected: session:(.){8} 154\.21\.
> To start, I entered, I was going to first try
> Connected: session:(.){8}
> then add the start of the ip once I knew the always matching session
> connection would trigger the notice.
> Well, I carelessly entered
> Connected: session:(.){8)
> with the mistake of ending the test line with ) instead of }
> ASSP crashed immediately.
> Info: shutdown reason was: try restarting ASSP on exception
> ASSP finished work
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