Whew you've been busy! Thank you.

   - If msvcrt is being used, would 512 open files ever not be enough?  I
   feel like I was getting the file issues when many links to BDB-error.txt
   files were getting stuck open, so exceeding 512, but that was ultimately
   because of my stupid griplist directory misconfiguration combined with bad
   TLS early talkers.  I guess I'm trying to understand why
   $winSetMaxIO_DLL and $winSetMaxIO hidden params were necessary, so I can
   understand how to set them for my set up.

   - Do you know if the Strawberry Perl installations at
   https://strawberryperl.com/releases.html compiled with DUSE_PERLIO?    I
   tried looking it up, but I'm coming up empty

   - With BDBErrLog set to 0, I assume that any error with BDB files would
   still be spit out to the maillog.txt file so we can be alerted that
   something's wrong?

On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 9:52 AM Thomas Eckardt <thomas.ecka...@thockar.com>

> Hi all,
> fixed in assp 2.6.6 *SPAM-Evaporator* build 21287:
> - If a folder was defined for the parameter 'griplist' (e.g.
> grip/griplist) and this folder was not extisting, all griplist functions
> were not working.
>   If a folder is now defined, it is created by assp.
> - If 'ConfigChangeSchedule' was used to change a hidden configuration
> parameter, only the main thread (not any worker) was aware of the change.
> - If a mail subject contained a questionmark '?' in its text and the
> subject header line was encoded 'Quoted Printable' and the questionmark was
> not right MIME encoded
>   (instead it was written as '?') all internal functions related to the
> mail subject were not working correctly
> changed:
> - BerkeleyDB error logs (BDB-error.txt) are no longer permanently created
> and locked
>   Instead there is a new hidden parameter 'BDBerrLog', which can be set to
> 1 to monitor BDB-problems.
> our $BDBerrLog = 0; # (0/1) log BerkeleyDB errors in the related BDB-ENV
> -errfile .../BDB-error.txt (default = 0)
> - The GUI-help text for 'noGriplistUpload', 'noGriplistDownload' and
> 'gripValencePB' are updated - griplist functions are not changed
> added:
> - If windows systems are running out of available open file descriptors
> and the used perl installation is not compiled using the -DUSE_PERLIO
> switch,
>   the following parameters can be used to increase the available file
> descriptors for the assp process
> our $winSetMaxIO_DLL = 'msvcrt';         # the name of the microsoft
> C-runtime-library used by perl and/or perl-modules (Win32 only !!!) -
> default is msvcrt
>                                          # If your perl uses (is compiled
> against) any other msvcrtXXX (for example: msvcrt160 or msvcrt100) - change
> this value, if
>                                          # you want to set the maximum
> open files limit in the msvcrtXXX.
>                                          # This value is ONLY used for the
> below purpose ($winSetMaxIO), it has no other effect !
> our $winSetMaxIO = 0;                    # (0/1/ 512 * 2**N) set the
> maximum open files limit (Win32 only !!!) in ($winSetMaxIO_DLL) msvcrt.dll
> (_getmaxstdio , _setmaxstdio)
>                                          # 0 - use the default setting in
> msvcrt.dll (normaly set to 512)
>                                          # 1 - find the maximum allowed
> value between 512 and 8192 and set it
>                                          # 512 * 2**N - try to set the
> value as high as possible up to the given maximum (min 512 , max 8192, in
> 512 * 2**N [N=0..4])
>                                          #          if the defined value
> is less than the current maximum, the setting will not be changed
>                                          # Notice: PERLIO (perl compiled
> with -DUSE_PERLIO - check with :>perl -V) may define a different max open
> file limit for its
>                                          #         IO's (defaults to 2048
>                                          #         - this limit is not
> affected by this value
> Thomas
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