sorry, I sent the last message before proofing or finishing.  Grr, gmail.
I'll wait to hear from you.  I have more thoughts on NWLI and other

On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 6:00 PM K Post <> wrote:

> This is simply terrific.  You keep making ASAP better! The rebuild config
> efficiency improvements are especially appreciated.  Thanks so much as
> usual for spending what must have been a long time thinking about and
> making all of these changes.
> SURPRISE, I have questions and comments:
> *Fix to emailing report with attached .msg report not working?*
> *(if email reports need to be zipped, ignore this)*
> I just tested, sending a zip of a .msg has the analyze report works
> correctly.  Sending just the .msg attachment with 21293 give the previous
> errors.   *Sending just the .msg with this new 21302 unfortunately is
> worse and isn't working*.  I'm now getting:
> found a possible MIME header start in the middle of the mail - the analyze
> may be wrong
> [CR][LF]<br  /> •
> Subject: FW: test of report message[CR][LF]<br  />
> and even less info is shown in the emailed analyze report than before
> I had ReportLog set to debug.  The .eml file that goes to debug is
> attached to this reply.
> *Clarification on the need now(?) to compress Emailed reports from Outlook*
> You wrote: "Notice: always compress (e.g. zip) reported emails before they
> are sent to assp!"   The GUI says " It is also possible to send MS-outlook
> '.msg' files (possibly zipped)."  Is it now required?
>  I've always done "Forward as Attachment" in Outlook to report which
> attaches the current message as a .msg formatted file (I previously
> incorrectly wrote .eml) and seems to work (except for the analyze big that
> you're attempting to squash). The vast majority of our staff do the same,
> but requiring them to first save the .msg, then zip, then attach to
> report might be asking too much.
> While attached Outlook .msg files are binary, I don't >>think<< they're
> compressed.  The .msg files always have made it to the corpus saved as
> plain text files which seems right.  It was only the analyze report that
> was failing.
> *MaxBytesReports*
> The gui talks about MaxBytesReports.
> Any mail sent or forwarded by local/authenticated users to this username
> will be interpreted as a spam report. Multiple attachments get truncated to
> MaxBytesReports. Do not put the full address here, just the user part.
> For example: asspspam . Use a fake domain like @assp.local or @
> when you send the email- so the full address would be
> then asspspam@assp.local.
> You can sent multiple mails as attachments and/or zipped file(s). Each
> attached email-file must have the extension defined in "maillogExt". In
> this case only the attachments will be processed. To use this
> multi-attachment-feature an installed Email::MIME module in PERL is needed.
> It is also possible to send MS-outlook '.msg' files (possibly zipped). To
> use this MS-outlook-feature in addition an installed
> Email::Outlook::Message module in PERL is needed.
> I don't see MaxBytesReports any where else in the code.  Is this supposed
> to be MaxBytes?
> Also, GUI correction  " You can sent multiple mails as attachments and/or
> zipped file(s)" should be "send"
> *Finding DKIM matches during rebuild:*
> AddDKIMHeader needs to be on right?
> Since it looks like the code is looking for the X-ASSP-DKIMIdentity line,
> I think you should add a comment for the hidden DoRBWhite parameter and
> others
> * that AddDKIMHeader in the GUI needs to be on for this to work. *
> Speed -> more configuration choices necessary?
> Great point about slowness in rebuild if this is all on and the
> recommendation of potentially only turning it on periodically.
> Since we're now doing more checks, does it make sense to have additional
> hidden parameters to give more granular control?  I feel like I'll always
> want to check for whitelisted in spam no matter how it matches, but other
> might only want to consider DKIMWLAddress, while others don't want
> DKIMWLAddresses and only matches to the actual whitelist.  How about
> letting DoRBWhite be configured with different values like we have for
> DoNoFrom?
> Match:
> 0: nothing
> 1: whiteRe
> 2: npRe
> 4: whiteListedDomains
> 8: noProcessingDomains
> 16: whiteListedIPs
> 32: noProcessingIPs
> 64: DKIMWLAddresses
> 128: DKIMNPAddresses
> and have those summed up?  Too complicated for not enough value?  Dunno,
> thinking out loud here.  I'm cool with everything on, but maybe there are
> others who would prefer to more granularly configure?
> related: GUI mistake.  the AddDKIMHeader description still says that it
> adds X-ASSP-DKIM: instead of "X-ASSP-DKIMidentity
> *DoRBBlack removal of deny matches --  curiosity:*
> For the new DoRBBlack, why is it checking denySMTPConnectionsFromAlways
> and denySMTPConnectionsFrom?  Aren't additions made to that list after
> we've collected what we've wanted (good or bad) from those IP's / emails
> which would be good to have in the corpus?
> *NWLI*
> I'd like to rewrite the NWLI description at the bottom of the GUI, but I
> need clarification first.  I'm sure NWLI functionality works in the code,
> it's just not explained well in the GUI.
> I see the revised language, but I'm still not sure that I follow.  When
> you say "optional to use '+'" do you mean something N and N+ are
> functionally identical?  If that's true, why bother having the + as an
> option at all?  If there's a difference between having a plus and not,
> please explain.
> For starters, you have
> "So the line ~Heuristics|Email~=>50:>N-W-LI could be read as: take the
> regex with a weight of 50, never score noprocessing mails, never score
> whitelisted mails, score local mails and mails from ISP's."
> But if it's ANDed together, it would really mean
> score 50 to a mail that matches Heuristics|Email when that mail is NOT
> noprocessing, is NOT whitelisted, IS local AND IS ALSO is an ISP mail.
> To me, the way you have it written implies that it would score 50 if it's
> either local OR ISP as long as it's neither whitelisted nor noprocessing.
> Also, parameters are separated everywhere else that I see by => but the
> third parameter here needs to be :>   My lousy eyes missed that until just
> now.  Why the the inconsistency?
> *Other thanks, notes, and reqests*
>    - Thanks for adding that explanation bit into the GUI and the icon!
>    Also, this:
>    Info: file D:/assp/IP-Lists/ is now stored
>    encrypted, because it is used in secured config Groups     Excellent
>    - The ReportLog addition will be really helpful, even if just for
>    periodic reviews of user submitted reclassifications vs ones I've done
>    through the GUI.   *Could we have it use the same file extension as we
>    use for the corpus?*  (maillogExt)
>    - In the code, in some places X-Assp- headers are referenced, others
>    have X-ASSP-   All of the compares I've seen appear to be case insensitive,
>    but you might consider standardizing so that type-a personalities can be
>    calmed :)
> On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 10:31 AM Thomas Eckardt <
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> fixed in assp 2.6.6 *SPAM-Evaporator* build 21302:
>> - Improved email address detection in the emailinterface list reports
>> (whitelistadd , whitelistremove, ....).
>> - The change time for include files used in the 'Groups' feature were not
>> recorded in workers. This caused unexpected configuration reloads in the
>> workers, until
>>   assp was restarted.
>> - Any change made for 'Groups' caused a reload for all configuration
>> parameters where a group was used, even the related group was not changed.
>> A configuration reload is now
>>   only done for changed groups and there related configuration parameters.
>> - Unexpected results were produced by the analyzer, if emails were sent
>> as (not zipped) attachment to the emailinterface for analyzing - using
>> outlook as mail client (+exchange).
>>   Notice: always compress (e.g. zip) reported emails before they are sent
>> to assp!
>> changed:
>> - If the hidden parameter 'DoRBWhite' is set, the rebuildspamdb process
>> searches for matches in
>>   whiteRe, npRe, whiteListedDomains, noProcessingDomains, whiteListedIPs,
>> noProcessingIPs, DKIMWLAddresses and DKIMNPAddresses -
>>   and removes those mails from the assp/spam folder.
>> - 'ReportLog','Enable Report logging'
>>   'If set to diagnostic, each received report mail will be stored in the
>> assp/debug folder.'
>>    This makes it more easy to track down report problems, based on the
>> data sent by the mail client to assp.
>> - The GUI description for the NWLI enhancement (for regular expressions)
>> was updated. The code was changed to get the NWLI results exactly like
>> descriped in the GUI.
>> - A hint (and context help) about encryped configuration parameters and
>> files was added to GUI.
>> added:
>> The set hidden parameter
>> DoRBBlack = 0;                      # (0/1) check blacklisted mails on
>> rebuildspamdb (default 0 - 1 = skip rebuild for notspam if black)
>> removes all mails in the assp/notspam folder, which matches  :
>>  noBlockingIPs, denySMTPConnectionsFromAlways, denySMTPConnectionsFrom and
>> blackListedDomains
>> Notice: if all of DoRBWhite, DoRBBlack and DoRBRed are enabled, the
>> rebuild process will take ~12 times (or very much) longer than without
>> setting these switches.
>>         Don't be confused. If .eml files were corrected by spam/ham
>> reports, assp will process them correctly. But it may help to maintain the
>> corpus from time to time.
>> Thomas
>> *******************************************************
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>> This email was multiple times scanned for viruses. There should be no
>> known virus in this email!
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