Version 1.3.1
All features are in test mode.  Using only Bayesian scoring with my server
processing from there.  Every option in "Validate Sender" and "Validate
Local Addresses"

Mail to same user from inside network (192.168.1.*) passes to server and is
handled.  Address is part of "Accept All Mail".
Mail to same user from outside network is blocked and connection is closed.
Authentication is setup and works.  If the "To" address does not have the
"_" character in it, it passes with an authenticated session.  I have tried
from multiple clients (each MS) outside of the network and get the same
error.  I have tried multiple addresses with the "_" and get the same error,
again, only from outside of the network.  

Any suggestions or ideas...

Here is a log sample.  The hidden domains are single words with no
punctuation or numbers.
Jul-3-07 08:23:07 Connected: -> ->
Jul-3-07 08:23:08 id-34653871 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> invalid
address rejected:
                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jul-3-07 08:23:08 id-34653871 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is

Changes from Default
S e c t i o n: Network Setup 
listenPort -- SMTP Listen Port: 25  
SMTPDESTINATION -- SMTP Destination: (Default: 125) 
smtpDestinationRT -- SMTP Destination Routing Table**:   
listenPort2 -- Second SMTP Listen Port:   
smtpAuthServer -- Second SMTP Destination:   
EnforceAuth -- Force SMTP AUTH on Second SMTP Listen Port:   
smtpReportServer -- SMTP Reporting Destination:   

S e c t i o n: SMTP Session Limits 
MaxErrors -- Maximum Errors Per Session: 10  
MAXSMTPSESSIONS -- Maximum Sessions: 50 (Default: 32) 
maxSMTPipSessions -- Maximum Sessions Per IP Address: 5  
MAXSMTPIPCONNECTS -- Maximum SMTP Sessions Per IP Address Frequency: 5
(Default: 0) 
maxSMTPipDuration -- Maximum SMTP Sessions Per IP Address Frequency
Duration: 60  
maxSMTPipExpiration -- Maximum SMTP Sessions Per IP Address Frequency
Expiration: 3600  
maxSMTPdomainIP -- Limit Subnet IPs  Per Domain : 3  
maxSMTPdomainIPExpiration -- Limit Different IPs  Per Domain Expiration:
smtpIdleTimeout -- SMTP Idle Timeout: 120  

S e c t i o n: SPAM Control 
blackRe -- BlackRe - Expression to Identify Spam* :
t: [^\n]*     \S  
redRe -- Expression to Identify Redlisted Mail*: file:redre.txt  
SPAMERROR -- Spam Error: 500 Mail Appears to be Unsolicited (Default: 554
5.7.1 Mail appears to be unsolicited -- send error reports to
blackListedDomains -- Blacklisted Addresses/Domains*:   
contentOnlyRe -- Check Contents Only RegEx*:   
noGriplistUpload -- Don't Upload Griplist Stats:   
noGriplistDownload -- Don't auto-download the Griplist file:   
ADDSPAMPROBHEADER -- Add Spam Probability Header: 1 (Default: 0) 
ADDINTENDEDFORHEADER -- Add Envelope-Recipient Header: 1 (Default: 0) 
NOEXTERNALSPAMPROB -- Block Outgoing Spam-Prob header:  (Default: 1) 
AddSpamHeader -- Add Spam Header: 1  
AddCustomHeader -- Add Custom Header:   
AddSpamReasonHeader -- Add Spam Reason Header: 1  

S e c t i o n: CC Mail 
sendAllSpam -- Copy Spam and Send to this Address:   
ccSpamFilter -- Copy Spam Filter*:   
ccSpamAlways -- Copy Spam to these Recipients always*:   
sendAllPostmaster -- Catchall Address for Postmaster Mail:   
sendAllAbuse -- Catchall Address for Abuse Mail:   
sendAllDestination -- Copy Mail SMTP Destination:   
SPAMSUBJECTCC -- Prepend Spam Subject to Copied Spam: 1 (Default: 0) 
spamTagCC -- Prepend Spam Tag to Copied Spam:   
sendHamInbound -- Copy Incoming Not-Spam and Send to this Address:   
sendHamOutbound -- Copy Outgoing Not-Spam and Send to this Address:   
ccHamFilter -- Copy Not-Spam Filter*:   

S e c t i o n: SPAM Lover/No Processing 
spamLovers -- All Spam-Lover*: postmaster  
baysSpamLovers -- Bayesian Spam-Lover*:   
blSpamLovers -- Blacklisted Spam-Lover*:   
bombSpamLovers -- Bomb Spam-Lover*:   
hlSpamLovers -- HELO Blacklisted Spam-Lover*:   
spfSpamLovers -- SPF Failures Spam-Lover*:   
rblSpamLovers -- DNSBL Failures Spam-Lover*:   
uriblSpamLovers -- URIBL Failures Spam-Lover*:   
srsSpamLovers -- Not SRS Signed Bounces Spam-Lover *:   
delaySpamLovers -- No Delaying Spam-Lover*:   
isSpamLovers -- Invalid Sender Spam-Lover*:   
mxaSpamLovers -- Missing MX/A Spam-Lover*:   
ptrSpamLovers -- Invalid/Missing PTR Spam-Lover*:   
pbSpamLovers -- Penalty Box Blocking Spam-Lover *:   
spamSubjectSL -- Suppress Spam Subject to Spam-Lover-mail:   
noProcessing -- Unprocessed Addresses*: file:dontprocess.txt  
NOPROCESSINGIPS -- Unprocessed IPs*:|192.168.1. (Default: ) 
npRe -- Expression to Identify No Processing Mail*:   
NPSIZE -- No Processing for Messages  larger this SIZE: 50000 (Default:
processOnlyAddresses -- Process Only 
poTestMode -- Enable Process Only Addresses:   

S e c t i o n: Whitelisting 
whiteRe -- WhiteRe - Expression to Identify Non-Spam* :   
whiteListedIPs -- Whitelisted IPs*:   
whiteListedDomains -- Whitelisted Domains*: file:whitedomains.txt  
ValidateRWL -- Enable Realtime Whitelist Validation:   
RWLServiceProvider -- RWL Service Providers*:|||  
RWLmaxreplies -- Maximum Replies: 3  
RWLminhits -- Minimum Hits: 1  
RWLmaxtime -- Maximum Time: 10  
AddRWLHeader -- Add X-Assp-Received-RWL Header: 1  
noRWL -- Don't Validate RWL for these IPs*:   
MAXWHITELISTDAYS -- Max Whitelist Days: 360 (Default: 90) 
WhitelistOnly -- Reject All But Whitelisted Mail:   
NoMaillog -- Don't log mail:   
NoAutoWhite -- Only Email-Interface Addition to Whitelist.:   
NotGreedyWhitelist -- Only the envelope-sender is added/compared to the
WhitelistLocalOnly -- Only local or authenticated users contribute to the
WHITELISTLOCALFROMONLY -- Only users with a local domain in mailfrom
contribute to the whitelist.:  (Default: 1) 
UpdateWhitelist -- Save Whitelist: 3600  

S e c t i o n: Relaying 
ACCEPTALLMAIL -- Accept All Mail* :|192.168.1. (Default: ) 
localDomains -- Local Domains*: file:localdomains.txt  
NOLOCALDOMAINS -- Skip Local Domain Check: 1 (Default: 0) 
ldLDAP -- Do LDAP lookup for local domains:   
ispip -- ISP/Secondary MX Servers*:   
ISPGREYVALUE -- ISP/Secondary MX Grey Value:  (Default: 0.5) 
BounceSenders -- Bounce Senders*: postmaster|mailer-daemon  
PopB4SMTPFile -- Pop Before SMTP DB File:   
PopB4SMTPMerak -- Pop Before SMTP Merak Style:   
relayHost -- :   
relayPort -- Relay Port:   
NoRelaying -- : 530 Relaying not allowed through ASSP  
defaultLocalHost -- Default Local Host:   
localDomainsFile -- Local Domains File:   
relayHostFile -- Relay Host File - OBSOLET:   

S e c t i o n: Validate Local Addresses 
DORFC822 -- Validate local addresses to conform with RFC 822:  (Default: 1) 
DoLocalSender -- Do Local Addresses Check for Local Sender :   
DoLDAP -- Do LDAP lookup for valid local addresses:   
LocalAddresses_Flat -- Lookup valid Local Addresses from here*:
LocalAddressesValid -- Accept Remote Sender with  Valid Local Addresses :   
InternalAddresses -- Accept Mail from Local Domains only*:   
SepChar -- Separation Character for Subaddressing:   
NOVALIDRECIPIENT -- No-Valid-Local-User Reply: 250 OK - Recipient
<EMAILADDRESS> (Default: 550 5.1.1 User unknown: EMAILADDRESS) 

S e c t i o n: Penalty Box 
DOPENALTY -- Penalty Box : 0 (Default: 2) 
DoPenaltyMessage -- Single Message Mode:   
PenaltyMessageLow -- Low Threshold for Combined Scores per Message: 40  
PenaltyMessageLimit -- High Threshold for Combined Scores per Message: 50  
noPB -- Don't do Black Box for these IPs* :   
AddScoringHeader -- Add PB Scoring Header: 1  
pbdb -- Penalty Box Database: pb/pbdb  
spamtrapaddresses -- Penalty Trap Addresses * :   
sendAllTraps -- Catchall Address for Trap Addresses:   
PenaltyUseNetblocks -- Use IP Netblocks:   
PenaltyError -- Penalty Reply:   
PenaltyDuration -- Scoring Interval: 60  
PenaltyLimit -- Threshold: 50  
PenaltyExpiration -- Expiration Time: 360  
PenaltyExtreme -- Extreme Threshold: 150  
DoExtremeWL -- Penalize Whitelisted:   
DoExtremeNP -- Penalize NonProcessing:   
ExtremeExpiration -- Expiration Time for Extreme Penalties: 7  
WhiteExpiration -- Expiration Time for White Box Entries: 30  
exportExtremeFile -- Exported Black Box Extreme IPs *:   
denySMTPConnectionsFrom -- Deny SMTP Connections from these IPs*:   
DoNotPenalizeRed -- Do Not Penalize Redlisted Mails:   
DoNotPenalizeBounces -- Do Not Penalize Bounced Mails: 1  
vdValencePB -- Virus detected: 15  
baysValencePB -- Bayesian: 0  
blValencePB -- Blacklisted Domain: 5  
rblValencePB -- RBL Failed: 100  
rblnValencePB -- RBL Neutral: 25  
uriblValencePB -- URIBL Failed: 20  
uriblnValencePB -- URIBL Neutral: 10  
urimaxValencePB -- Max URIs  exceeded : 10  
SPFVALENCEPB -- SPF Failed: 0 (Default: 10) 
SPFSVALENCEPB -- SPF Softfailed: 0 (Default: 5) 
SPFNVALENCEPB -- SPF Neutral: 0 (Default: 5) 
blackValencePB -- BlackRe Expression: 5  
BOMBVALENCEPB -- Bomb Expression: 5 (Default: 0) 
scriptValencePB -- Script Expression: 0  
ihValencePB -- Invalid HELO: 15  
fhValencePB -- Forged HELO: 200  
hlValencePB -- Blacklisted HELO: 5  
flValencePB -- Forged Local Sender: 10  
mxValencePB -- Missing MX/A Record: 10  
ptValencePB -- Missing/Invalid PTR Record: 10  
saValencePB -- Spam Collect Address: 25  
stValencePB -- Penalty Trap Address: 25  
iaValencePB -- Internal Only Address: 25  
rlValencePB -- Failed Relay Attempt: 15  
irValencePB -- Invalid Recipient: 5  
ILVALENCEPB -- Parallel Sessions per IP Limit: 25 (Default: 10) 
ifValencePB -- Connection per IP Frequency Limit: 150  
idValencePB -- IP Subnet Changing Per Domain: 150  
erValencePB -- Empty Recipients: 5  
meValencePB -- Max Errors Exceeded: 15  

S e c t i o n: Validate Sender 
useHeloBlacklist -- Use the Helo Blacklist: 2  
DOFAKEDLOCALHELO -- Block Forged Helos: 2 (Default: 1) 
myServerRe -- Possible Forged Helo List*:   
DOFAKEDWL -- Skip Whitelisted: 1 (Default: ) 
DOFAKEDNP -- Skip NPlisted: 1 (Default: ) 
heloBlacklistIgnore -- Don't block these HELO's*:   
DOVALIDFORMATHELO -- Validate Format of HELOs: 2 (Default: 0) 
validFormatHeloRe -- Expression to Validate Format of HELO*:
DOINVALIDFORMATHELO -- Invalidate Format of HELOs: 2 (Default: 1) 
invalidFormatHeloRe -- Expression to Invalidate Format of HELO*:
DONOVALIDLOCALSENDER -- Validate Remote Sender with Local Domain Address: 2
(Default: 1) 
DoNoSpoofing -- Block All Remote Sender  with Local Domain Address:   
DOREVERSED -- Reversed Lookup: 2 (Default: 0) 
DOINVALIDPTR -- Reversed Lookup FQDN: 2 (Default: 0) 
invalidPTRRe -- Expression to Invalidate Format of PTR*:
DODOMAINCHECK -- Validate Sender Domain MX/A: 2 (Default: 0) 
SenderInvalidError -- Sender Validation Error: 554 5.7.7 REASON .  

S e c t i o n: Delaying/Greylisting 
ENABLEDELAYING -- Enable Delaying/Greylisting:  (Default: 1) 
DelayWL -- Whitelisted Delaying:   
DelaySL -- Spamlovers Delaying:   
DelayAddHeader -- Add X-Assp-Delayed Header: 1  
DelayEmbargoTime -- Embargo Time: 5  
DelayWaitTime -- Wait Time: 28  
DelayExpiryTime -- Expiry Time: 36  
DelayUseNetblocks -- Use IP Netblocks: 1  
DelayNormalizeVERPs -- Normalize VERP Addresses: 1  
DelayExpireOnSpam -- Expire Spamming Whitelisted Tuplets: 1  
CleanDelayDBInterval -- Clean Up Delaying Database: 3600  
noDelay -- Don't Delay these IPs*: file:nodelay.txt  
DelayError -- Reply Message to Refuse Delayed Email: 451 4.7.1 Please try
again later  

S e c t i o n: SPF 
ValidateSPF -- Enable SPF Validation:   
SPFWL -- Whitelisted SPF Validation:   
SPFNP -- noProcessing SPF Validation:   
ADDSPFHEADER -- Add Received-SPF Header:  (Default: 1) 
SPFError -- SPF Failed Reply: 554 5.7.1 failed SPF: SPFRESULT  
LocalPolicySPF -- Local SPF Policy: v=spf1 a/24 mx/24 ptr ~all  
noSPFRe -- Skip SPF Processing Regex*:   
strictSPFRe -- Strict SPF Processing Regex*:   
SPFsoftfail -- Fail SPF Softfail Validations:   
SPFneutral -- Fail SPF Neutral Validations:   
DebugSPF -- Enable SPF Debug output to ASSP Logfile:   

S e c t i o n: SRS Options 
EnableSRS -- Enable Sender Rewriting Scheme:   
SRSAliasDomain -- Alias Domain:  
SRSSecretKey -- Secret Key:   
SRSTimestampMaxAge -- Maximum Timestamp Age: 21  
SRSHashLength -- Hash Length: 4  
SRSValidateBounce -- Enable Bounce Recipient Validation: 1  
noSRS -- Don't Validate Bounces From these IPs*:   

S e c t i o n: DNSBL 
VALIDATERBL -- Enable DNS Blacklist Validation :  (Default: 1) 
noRBL -- Don't do DNSBL for these IPs*:   
RBLWL -- Whitelisted DNSBL Validation:  (Default: 1) 
ADDRBLHEADER -- Add X-Assp-Received-DNSBL Header:  (Default: 1) 
RBLERROR -- DNSBL Failed Reply: 550 5.7.1 Blacklisted by RBLLISTED (Default:
554 5.7.1 DNS Blacklisted by RBLLISTED) 
RBLServiceProvider -- RBL Service Providers* :|||  
RBLmaxreplies -- Maximum Replies: 3  
RBLmaxhits -- Maximum Hits: 1  
RBLmaxtime -- Maximum Time: 10  
RBLsocktime -- Socket Timeout: 1  
DORBLCACHE -- Cache RBL Hits :  (Default: 1) 
FORCERBLCACHE -- Enforce Cache RBL :  (Default: 1) 
RBLCacheRefresh -- DNSBL Cache Refresh Interval: 24  

S e c t i o n: URIBL 
VALIDATEURIBL -- Enable URI Blocklist Validation : 0 (Default: 1) 
URIBLServiceProvider -- URIBL Service Providers*:  
URIBLCCTLDS -- URIBL Country Code TLDs*: file:files/URIBLCCTLDS.txt  
ValidateMaxURI -- Enable maximum number of URI domains check: 1  
URIBLmaxuris -- Maximum URIs: 25  
URIBLmaxdomains -- Maximum Unique Domain URIs: 15  
URIBLNoObfuscated -- Disallow Obfuscated URIs : 1  
URIBLmaxreplies -- Maximum Replies: 1  
URIBLmaxhits -- Maximum Hits: 1  
URIBLmaxtime -- Maximum Time: 10  
URIBLsocktime -- Socket Timeout: 1  
URIBLwhitelist -- Whitelisted URIBL Domains*:  
noURIBL -- Don't Check Messages from these Addresses*:   
URIBLPolicyError -- URIBL Policy Abuse Reply: 554 5.7.1 Message rejected by
domain policy. Contact the postmaster of this domain for resolution. This
attempt has been logged.  
AddURIBLHeader -- Add X-Assp-Received-URIBL Header: 1  
DoURIBLCache -- Cache URIBL Hits : 1  
URIBLCacheRefresh -- URIBL Cache Refresh Interval: 240  
URIBLError -- Reply Message to refuse failed URIBL Email: 554 5.7.1
Blacklisted by URIBLNAME Contact the postmaster of this domain for
resolution. This attempt has been logged.  

S e c t i o n: Attachments & Viruses  
BlockExes -- External Attachment Blocking: 0  
BlockWLExes -- Whitelisted &amp; Local Attachment Blocking: 0  
BlockNPExes -- NoProcessing Attachment Blocking: 0  
BadAttachL1 -- Level 1 rejected File Extensions:
BadAttachL2 -- Level 2 rejected File Extensions:   
BadAttachL3 -- Level 3 rejected File Extensions: zip  
GoodAttach -- Level 4 Allowed File Extensions:
ATTACHMENTERROR -- Reply Message to Refuse rejected Attachments: 500 These
attachments are not allowed -- Compress before mailing. (Default: 550 These
attachments are not allowed -- Compress before mailing.) 
BlockUuencoded -- Refuse Uuencoded Mails: 1  
UuencodedError -- Reply to Refuse Uuencoded Mails: 554 5.7.1 This mail is
uuencoded and will be blocked.   
UseAvClamd -- Use ClamAV: 1  
NoScanRe -- Skip ClamAV RegEx*:   
ScanWL -- Scan Whitelisted Senders: 1  
ScanNP -- Scan No Processing Senders:   
ScanLocal -- Scan Local Senders:   
AVCLAMDPORT -- Port or file socket for ClamAV: 3310 (Default: /tmp/clamd) 
AVERROR -- Reply Message to Refuse Infected Email: 500 Mail appears infected
with '$infection' -- disinfect and resend. (Default: 554 5.7.1 Mail appears
infected with '$infection'.) 
EmailVirusReportsTo -- Virus Report Mail Address:   
ClamAVBytes -- ClamAV Bytes: 100000  

S e c t i o n: Regex Filters / Spambomb 
bombReWL -- Do Regular Expressions Checks for Whitelisted:   
bombReNP -- Do Regular Expressions Checks for NP-Listed:   
bombReLocal -- Do Regular Expressions Checks for Local Mails:   
DoBombSenderRe -- Use Sender Blocking Expression against Sender: 0  
bombSenderRe -- Sender Blocking Expression*: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
DOBOMBHEADERRE -- Use BombHeader Regular Expressions against Header: 1
(Default: 0) 
bombHeaderRe -- Expression to Identify Spam in Header*:   
bombCharSets -- Character Set Blocked* :
DOBOMBRE -- : 1 (Default: 0) 
bombRe -- Bomb Regular Expression*:   
noBombScript -- Don't Check Messages from these Addresses*:   
DoTestRe -- Test Regular Expression:   
testRe -- Expressions to Test*:   
BOMBERROR -- Spam Bomb Error: 550 Your message was rejected because it
appears to be part of a spam bomb -- . (Default: 554 5.7.1 Delivery not
authorized, message refused -- .) 
bombErrorReason -- Add Reason: 1  
DOSCRIPTRE -- Use Expression to Identify Mobile Scripts: 1 (Default: 0) 
scriptRe -- Expression to Identify Mobile Scripts*:   
SCRIPTERROR -- Script Error: 550 Your email contains html scripting code --
please resend as plain text. (Default: 554 5.7.1 Your email contains html
scripting code -- please resend as plain text.) 

S e c t i o n: Bayesian Options 
DoBayesian -- Bayesian Check : 1  
noBayesian -- Skip Bayesian Check*:   
baysSpamLoversRed -- Do not store Bayesian SpamLover in SpamDB:   
baysConfidence -- Bayesian Confidence Threshold (experimental):   
NoTagInTestmode -- No Subject Tag in Testmode:   
ADDCONFIDENCEHEADER -- Add Bayes Confidence Header: 1 (Default: 0) 
ADDREGEXHEADER -- Add Black/White RegEx Header: 1 (Default: 0) 

S e c t i o n: TestModes 
spamSubject -- Prepend Spam Subject :   
spamTag -- Prepend Spam Tag:   
baysTestMode -- Bayesian Test Mode: 1  
BLTESTMODE -- BlackDomain Test Mode: 1 (Default: 0) 
HLTESTMODE -- Helo-Blacklist Test Mode: 1 (Default: 0) 
SBTESTMODE -- Spam Address Test Mode: 1 (Default: 0) 
SPFTESTMODE -- SPF Test Mode: 1 (Default: 0) 
RBLTESTMODE -- DNSBL Test Mode: 1 (Default: 0) 
URIBLTESTMODE -- URIBL Test Mode: 1 (Default: 0) 
SRSTESTMODE -- SRS Test Mode: 1 (Default: 0) 
BOMBTESTMODE -- Bomb Regex Test Mode: 1 (Default: 0) 
SCRIPTTESTMODE -- Script Regex Test Mode: 1 (Default: 0) 
MXATESTMODE -- Missing MX/A Record Test Mode: 1 (Default: 0) 
PTRTESTMODE -- Reversed Lookup Test Mode: 1 (Default: 0) 
IHTESTMODE -- Invalid Helo Test Mode: 1 (Default: 0) 
FHTESTMODE -- Forged Local Helo Test Mode: 1 (Default: 0) 
FLSTESTMODE -- Forged Local Sender Test Mode: 1 (Default: 0) 
MSTESTMODE -- Message Scoring Test Mode: 1 (Default: 0) 
PBTESTMODE -- Penalty Box Test Mode: 1 (Default: 0) 

S e c t i o n: Email Interface 
EmailInterfaceOk -- Enable Email Interface: 1  
EmailSenderOK -- Accept Emails (Reports) from these external addresses*:   
EmailAdminReportsTo -- Admin Mail Address:   
EmailHelp -- Help Address: assphelp  
EmailSpam -- Report Spam Address: asspspam  
EmailHam -- Report not-Spam Address: asspnotspam  
EmailErrorsReply -- Reply to Spam/Not-Spam Reports: 1  
EmailErrorsTo -- TO Address for Spam/Ham-Reports:   
EMAILNOWHITETORED -- Suppress automatic adding to redlist : 1 (Default: ) 
EmailErrorsModifyWhite -- Combined Spam/Ham Report & Whitelist Add/Remove: 1

EmailWhitelistAdd -- Add to Whitelist Address: asspwhite  
EmailWhitelistRemove -- Remove from Whitelist Address: asspnotwhite  
EmailNoNPRemove -- Suppress automatic removing from NP-List : 1  
EmailWhitelistReply -- Reply to Add to/Remove from Whitelist: 1  
EmailWhitelistTo -- To Address for Whitelist-Reports:   
EmailRedlistAdd -- Add to Redlist Address: asspred  
EmailRedlistRemove -- Remove from Redlist Address: asspnotred  
EmailRedlistReply -- Reply to Add to/Remove from Redlist: 1  
EmailRedlistTo -- To Address for Redlist-Reports:   
EmailFrom -- From Address for Reports: <>  
NoHaiku -- Legacy: Don't reply to messages to the Email Interface:   

S e c t i o n: File Paths 
base -- Directory Base: c:\assp  
spamlog -- Spam Collection: spam  
notspamlog -- Not-spam Collection: notspam  
incomingOkMail -- External OK mail:   
viruslog -- Attachment/Virus Collection:   
correctedspam -- False-negative Collection: errors/spam  
correctednotspam -- False-positive Collection: errors/notspam  
maillogExt -- Extension for Mail Files: .eml  
spamdb -- Spam Bayesian Database File: spamdb  
whitelistdb -- Email Whitelist Database File: whitelist  
redlistdb -- Email Redlist Database File: redlist  
griplist -- GReyIPlist Database: griplist  
delaydb -- Delaying Database: delaydb  
myhost -- MySQL hostname or IP:   
mydb -- MySQL database name:   
myuser -- MySQL username:   
mypassword -- MySQL password:   
logfile -- ASSP Logfile: maillog.txt  
pidfile -- PID File: pid  

S e c t i o n: Collecting 
spamaddresses -- Spam Collect Addresses* : freemantony|freemantricia  
sendAllCollect -- Catchall Address for Collect Addresses:   
UseSubjectsAsMaillogNames -- Use Subject as Maillog Names:   
DoNotCollectRed -- Do Not Collect Redlisted Mails: 1  
DoNotCollectBounces -- Do Not Collect Bounced Mails: 1  
MAXFILES -- Max Files: 10000 (Default: 18009) 
MaxBytes -- Max Bytes: 4000  
ERRORMAXBYTES -- Error Max Bytes: 20000 (Default: 40000) 
wlAttachLog -- Whitelisted rejected Attachments: 5  
npAttachLog -- No Processing rejected Attachments: 5  
extAttachLog -- External rejected Attachments: 5  
SpamVirusLog -- Virus Infected: 5  
spamBombLog -- Spam Bombs: 6  
malformedLog -- Message Verifying: 6  
scriptLog -- Scripts: 3  
BAYSNONSPAMLOG -- Bayesian Non Spam: 4 (Default: 6) 
NonSpamLog -- Non Spam: 2  
blDomainLog -- Blacklisted Domains: 3  
spamHeloLog -- Spam Helos: 6  
forgedHeloLog -- Forged Helos: 6  
spamBucketLog -- Spam Collect Addresses: 3  
baysSpamLog -- Bayesian Spams: 3  
SPFFailLog -- SPF Failures: 3  
RBLFailLog -- RBL Failures: 3  
URIBLFailLog -- URIBL Failures: 3  
SRSFailLog -- SRS Failures: 3  
spamPTRLog -- Missing/Invalid Pointer : 3  
spamMXALog -- Missing MX/A Record : 3  
spamISLog -- Invalid Sender Failures: 6  
spamMSLog -- Message Scoring Blocks: 3  
spamPBLog -- PB Blocks: 6  
freqNonSpam -- Non Spam Collection Frequency: 1  
freqSpam -- Spam Collection Frequency: 1  

S e c t i o n: Logging 
fileLogging -- File name logging: 1  
subjectLogging -- Subject logging: 1  
regexLogging -- Regex Match logging: 1  
uniqeIDLogging -- Unique ID logging: 1  
uniqueIDPrefix -- Prepend Unique ID logging: id-  
sysLog -- SYSLOG Centralized Logging:   
sysLogPort -- Syslog Port (UDP): 514  
SysLogFac -- Syslog Facility: mail  
sysLogIp -- Syslog IP:  
asspLog -- ASSP local logging: 1  
LogRollDays -- Roll the Logfile How Often?: 7  
silent -- Silent Mode:   
DEBUG -- Debug Mode:   
noLog -- Don't Log these IPs*:   
CONNECTIONLOG -- Connections Logging: 1 (Default: 0) 
SESSIONLOG -- Session Limit Logging: 1 (Default: 0) 
RWLLog -- Enable RWL logging:   
LDAPLog -- Enable LDAP logging:   
ValidateUserLog -- Enable User Validation logging: 1  
PenaltyLog -- Enable PenaltyBox logging: 1  
VALIDATESENDERLOG -- Enable Validate Sender Logging: 1 (Default: 0) 
DelayLog -- Enable Greylisting/Delaying logging:   
SPFLOG -- Enable SPF logging:  (Default: 1) 
RBLLog -- Enable RBL logging:   
URIBLLog -- Enable URIBL logging:   
ScanLog -- Enable ClamAV logging:   
BAYESIANLOG -- Enable Bayesian Logging: 1 (Default: 0) 
MAINTENANCELOG -- Enable Maintenance logging: 1 (Default: 0) 
DENYSMTPNOLOG -- Disable logging for 'Deny SMTP Connections From': 1
(Default: 0) 
Showmaxreplies -- Show All Possible Hits :   
REGEXLENGTH -- RegEx Length in Log: 20 (Default: 32) 
sendNoopInfo -- Send NOOP Info:   

S e c t i o n: LDAP Setup 
LDAPHost -- LDAP Host(s): localhost  
LDAPLogin -- LDAP Login:   
LDAPPassword -- LDAP Password:   
LDAPRoot -- LDAP Root container:   
ldLDAPFilter -- LDAP Filter for Local Domains:   
LDAPFilter -- LDAP Filter for Local Addresses:   
LDAPFail -- LDAP failures return false:   

S e c t i o n: Server Setup 
ASASERVICE -- Run ASSP as a Windows Service**: 1 (Default: 0) 
AsADaemon -- Run ASSP as a Daemon**:   
runAsUser -- Run as UID**:   
runAsGroup -- Run as GID**:   
ChangeRoot -- Change Root**:   
myName -- My Name: ASSP.NoSpam  
proxyserver -- Proxy Server:   
OutgoingBufSize -- Size of TCP/IP Buffer: 102400  
webAdminPort -- Web Admin Port: 55555  
webAdminPassword -- Web Admin Password: fishy01  
ALLOWADMINCONNECTIONSFROM -- Only Allow Admin Connections From*:|192.168.1. (Default: ) 
HeaderMaxLength -- Maximum Header Size: 100000  
HeaderMaxLocal -- Check Header Size for Locals: 1  
SaveStatsEvery -- Statistics Save Interval:   
totalizeSpamStats -- Upload Consolidated Spam Statistics: 1  
RestartEvery -- Restart Timeout**: 0  
OrderedTieHashSize -- Ordered-Tie Hash Table Size: 5000  
ENABLEHTTPCOMPRESSION -- Enable HTTP Compression in GUI:  (Default: 1) 
ENABLEFLOATINGMENU -- Enable Floating Menu Panel in GUI:  (Default: 1) 
EnableInternalNamesInDesc -- Show Internal Names Below Descriptions in the
GUI: 1  
MaillogTailJump -- Jump to the End of the Maillog:   
MaillogTailBytes -- Maillog Tail Bytes: 10000  
MaillogTailWrapColumn -- Maillog Tail Wrap Column: 80  
UseLocalTime -- Use Local Time: 1  

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