> On a shared server, it is showing  "User unknown" attempts for
> some 15 to 30 domains in thousands like 5000 to 10000 from
> various IP source, which seems be using resources
> unnecessarily.
> Is there a way to configure assp to discard such attempts from any
> ips (if possible for 24 hours), if it repeats "User unknown" attempts
> for 3 times per IP ( maybe per hour or per day) in assp

Expand the penaltybox section, set DoPenalty and DoPenaltyMessage
to "block", scroll down and set DoPenaltyMakeTraps to "make traps
and block them" ensuring to also set the PenaltyMakeTraps to 10 or
less (that's up to you); check the PenaltyUseNetblocks and, since you
are at it, set the DoPenaltyExtremeSMTP to "block"

that should be a decent startup, then you may play with some other
settings in penaltybox, ip blocking, smtp session limits and more ...


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