
all versions >= 13220 should fix it


> Hello,
> I have just migrate my assp server from 32 to 64 bits on debian Wheezy
> I have use mod-inst.pl to install the perl modules and cut and paste the
> assp directory from the old server to the new.
> Here is what I see in the log for each email receptionned by ASSP :
> Aug-27-13 10:52:51 m-37759-00022 x.x.x.x <u...@example.com> to:
> u...@other-example.com error: unable to parse message for attachments -
> Can't locate object method "new" via package "Email::MIME" at
> /var/assp/assp.pl line 20678.;
> Aug-27-13 10:52:51 m-37759-00022 x.x.x.x <u...@example.com> to:
> u...@other-example.com error: unable to parse message for attachments -
> Can't locate object method "new" via package "Email::MIME" at
> /var/assp/assp.pl line 20740.;
> This error doesn't make assp to fail and doesn't seem to prevent assp
> from filtering properly the spams : some email are going to the spams
> directory and the stats are populated accordingly.
> Another thing, the BlockReport request make assp crashing with this
> error message :
> Aug-27-13 10:46:48 m-37759-00085 x.x.x.x <u...@example.com> to:
> sp...@assp.com email: request for blocked spam report;
> Aug-27-13 10:46:48 Info: send blocked mail request from
> u...@example.com;
> Aug-27-13 10:46:48 Info: processing  blocked mail request from
> u...@example.com;
> Aug-27-13 10:46:48 Error: unable to process blockreport - Can't locate
> object method "new" via package "Email::MIME" at /var/assp/assp.pl line
> 25832.;
> Aug-27-13 10:46:48 Terminating ASSP: mainloop exception: Can't locate
> object method "new" via package "Email::MIME" at /var/assp/assp.pl line
> 25738.;
>            !!!!!!!
> What can I do ?
> Thanks in advance.
> Philippe

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