Centuries ago, Nostradamus predicted that Thomas Eckardt would write on Wed Oct 
26 11:15:11 2016:

> I already gave you the solution on monday:
> ...
> If I use the assp mail analyzer and analyze a mail containing this
> word, I get.
> bombRe : 'highest match: "chxxp" with valence: 100 - PB value = 70'
> matching bombRe(file:files/bombre.txt[line 119]): 'c.?hxx.?p'
> So - I get the file (with a link to open and edit it), the line
> number (to find it fast) and the content of the line. How easy!?

Thank you for your help.  For some reason I did not receive the Monday
e-mail to which you refer (perhaps because bombRe flagged it).  The
log message identifies the matching string but does not identify the
regular expression that matched it.  With your help I located line 119
in files/bombre.txt and have removed it.  If I had known about an
"assp mail analyzer", which identifies the regular expression that
matched the offending text, I would have used it.  My problem is (I
believe) now solved, but for future reference: what is the "assp mail
analyzer" and how do you use it?  Thank you in advance for any and all

                        Jay F. Shachter
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                        "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur"

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