Phong, how does the new AST vmalloc compare to jemalloc?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nicholas Clark <>
Date: Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 9:27 PM
Subject: jemalloc

Artur and Tim Bunce suggested investigating jemalloc, which is a high
performance malloc implementation now used by (among others) FreeBSD and
Facebook. Artur also suggest that our use of arenas of memory (for SV bodies)
is no longer the best idea, give that malloc() implementations have got
better. Fortunately arenas are easy to disable, by compiling with -DPURIFY.

So here is a comparison of blead (on dromedary, -Os, no threads), default,
compiled with -DPURIFY, default using an LD_PRELOAD to force the use of
jemalloc 3.0.0, and finally compiled with -DPURIFY and using jemalloc.

Not having anything fantastically better to hand, this is perlbench, with
each of the 4 run twice.

IIRC smaller numbers are better, and anything less than 5% is probably noise:

                         A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H
                       ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---
arith/mixed            100   101   101    98   102    98   101   101
arith/trig             100   101   101    99   100    98    99   100
array/copy             100   101    95   101   101   100   102   100
array/foreach          100    79   102    76   101    76   101    79
array/index            100   112   101   105   100   112   101   110
array/pop              100   103   100   100   102   102   102   102
array/shift            100   101    97    98   100   100   101   100
array/sort-num         100   103   100   103   100   103   100   102
array/sort             100    87    98    84   100    84    97    87
call/0arg              100   111   100   104   107   104   102   108
call/1arg              100    99   103    96   106    96   103    97
call/2arg              100   105    97    99    96   100    95   103
call/9arg              100   103    98   102   101    94    99   103
call/empty             100   102    99   102    99    97    96   103
call/fib               100   100   100    97    97   100   101   101
call/method            100   106   101   102    97   104   100   105
call/wantarray         100   109    98   101   100   102    98   110
hash/copy              100    85   102    81   101    78   104    88
hash/each              100    94   102    88    85    88   102    93
hash/foreach-sort      100    97    99    97   100    94   101    96
hash/foreach           100    96    98    95   103    93   102    94
hash/get               100   101    98   101   100   102   101   102
hash/set               100    96   102   102   100   101   102    91
loop/for-c             100   106   111   105   101   106   109   106
loop/for-range-const   100    99    99    97    96    97    94    98
loop/for-range         100   100   101    92    99    98    99    99
loop/getline           100   104    98   104   100   103   100   104
loop/while-my          100   103   101    99   100   101    99    99
loop/while             100    71   100    96    96    98   101    99
re/const               100    99    99    99   100    97    99    99
re/w                   100    99   100   101    98   100   101    97
startup/fewmod         100    98    99    97   100    96    98    98
startup/lotsofsub      100    98   100    98   100    98   100    98
startup/noprog         100   101    79    79   100    79    79   100
string/base64          100   100    99    99   100   100    98    99
string/htmlparser      100    98   108   105   100   105   107    98
string/index-const     100   100    98   100   100   101    99   101
string/index-var       100   100    98    99   100   100   100    99
string/ipol            100   108   107   107   108   106   108   106
string/tr              100   101   100   101    99   101   101   102

AVERAGE                100    99   100    98   100    98   100    99

ed2b02642a84b031        A                       A
+PURIFY                       B                                   B
        +jemalloc                   C                       C
+PURIFY +jemalloc                         D           D

It's not much, so I'm not sure if it's noise or "signal". If it's signal,
it's suggesting that glibc malloc is fractionally better than using arenas,
and jemalloc fractionally better still. But not much. (And that with arenas,
malloc doesn't seem to matter)

Would anyone like to pursue this further?

jemalloc is BSD licensed, actively maintained and likely to improve, so
potentially we could ship it as a replacement for the current malloc.c

However, I'm not sure how easy it would be to integrate. We're not in a
position to enforce the use of LD_PRELOAD to swap out the libc malloc, so
just like the current malloc.c we'd have to do a bit more to rename the
symbols, and to place nicely with the system malloc, particularly if both
use sbrk().

Nicholas Clark

      ,   _                                    _   ,
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