On 5 September 2012 01:28, Irek Szczesniak <iszczesn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 11:57 PM, Roland Mainz <roland.ma...@nrubsig.org> 
> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> ----
>> [Just some follow-up to the recent discussion]
>> Question is: Why do we want a per-thread cwd ? Is it useful ?
>> AFAIK the arguments are:
>> * Pro:
>> - Moving the cwd from global to a pre-thead makes it easier to
>> implement thread support for existing applications
>> <any more arguments ?>
>> * Contra:
>> - The per-thread cwd is locked on the current thread. Moving objects
>> relying on this per-thread cwd to another thread (e.g. job "borrowing"
>> or forwarding) is not possible unless we alter that's thread cwd
>> (which means we have the same kind+class of problems we tried to solve
>> when we tried to get rid of the global cwd)
>> - The per-thread cwd is only known to libast... any other API will not
>> be aware of this (Glenn: Can this we resolved by compiling existing
>> libraries against the libast headers ?)
>> Finally: Wouldn't it be a better solution to drop the notion of a
>> global or per-thread cwd _COMPLETELY_ and let the applications and
>> APIs themselves handle this... with as many dirfd's they want ? The
>> idea would be that all APIs which currently rely on global resources
>> like { cwd, umask, environ } get this information passed as arguments
>> instead of relying on the global versions (we already see this
>> movement in POSIX with the introduction of the |*at()|-APIs in XPG7 or
>> newer additions like
>> |posix_spawnattr_setfchdir()|/|posix_spawnattr_setenviron()|/|fexecve()|
>> etc. ...) ?
> Roland, your analysis is wrong.
> A global cwd or per thread cwd is a resource which has to be shared
> between objects. The problem is that they have to *share* it
> implicitly.
> All problems listed in this list or known to me so far have their root
> in the unprotected, implicit sharing, and the results of unintended
> changes, i.e. one object does a change which other objects are not
> aware of. Multithreading and the concurrency of access is cited very
> often, but it's only a specialized symptom of the more general problem
> of implicit sharing.
> So the question is: Does a per thread cwd solve the problem of
> unprotected and implicit sharing of the cwd? The answer is a clear NO,
> not even with IMO or IMHO.
> It's just an idiotic attempt to bump legacy apis to the age of
> threads, but without solving the right problem or even try to ask the
> right question.
> A per thread cwd does at least not solve the problem that objects
> share this cwd implicitly and can still interact in unintended ways.
> The right solution is: Stop the implicit sharing, and start explicit
> sharing, or do not share at all.
> For an api this means: Stop using the global cwd, and start passing a
> fd to the base directory you'd like to work in as an argument.  For
> example glob() needs to be extended to add a gl_dirfd field to pass
> the base dir fd, a void *(*gl_fdopendir) (__const char *); to provide
> a pointer to fdopendir() (opendir() will operate on strings and a not
> directory fd). After that change glob() can operate completely
> independent of the global cwd, and even nested calls of glob() within
> glob() no longer pose a problem.
> You also have to start thinking about apis as *objects* (and not
> threads or processes) and that these objects have to work relative to
> a base directory. For example a glob_t is a object, Shell_t is an
> object, a relative path is an object, and so on. They all work
> relative to a base directory fd, implicitly or explicitly.
> Our goal should be to make it always explicitly - the notation of a
> global cwd or per thread cwd is just in the way of that (correct)
> view.

There's little to say here: I fully agree with you.

There's nothing wrong with a global cwd in a small, simple, single
threaded application, but as soon as you have a complex application
which uses a diverse set of shared libraries in many different layers
(not only threads!) the global or thread cwd gets into the way.

And if you _are_ the shared library (like libast is one) providing
APIs then relying on a global or thread cwd is pretty much a dumb
idea. History proved that.

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