On 22 September 2012 10:14, Cedric Blancher
<cedric.blanc...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On 17 September 2012 00:15, Roland Mainz <roland.ma...@nrubsig.org> wrote:
>> * Issues:
>> - We have to make sure that memory allocation doesn't get excessive
>> - Currently it seems that the stream returned by |sftmp()| somehow
>> causes the shell not to use |mmap()| to read the temporary file's
>> (used if we spill over or call an external process) content even for
>> "insanely" (in this context :-) ) large file sizes (e.g. 2^20 bytes)
>> ... erm... what exactlly causes this ?
> BTW: mmap() is not used for ANY files on Fedora Linux with a 64bit
> ksh93. I've just observed that shcomp munches a 100MB script via
> read() and not mmap(), which is IMO unfortunate.

Thanks to Olga I narrowed the issue down to MAP_TYPE. The sfio code
assumes mmap() is available when MAP_TYPE is set but newer versions of
Linux no longer set MAP_TYPE. No MAP_TYPE, no mmap(). What a shit.
Who's actually monitoring performance on Linux?

Cedric Blancher <cedric.blanc...@googlemail.com>
Institute Pasteur
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