On Wed, 3 Oct 2012 11:15:48 +0200 Lionel Cons wrote:
> On 28 September 2012 07:44, Glenn Fowler <g...@research.att.com> wrote:
> >
> > { INIT ast-ksh } 2012-09-27 alphas posted to
> >         www.research.att.com/sw/download/alpha/
> >
> > the next alpha will migrate current -lcmdtst ksh builtins to -lcmd,
> > will static bind all -lcmd builtins to the /opt/ast/bin virtual dir,
> > and will provide a way to rename /opt/ast/bin via the environment

> I know I shouldn't stretch your patience, but what about adding iconv,
> too? The use case/consumer would be scripts which do xml processing on
> platforms where /usr/bin/iconv is optional or a gross mess which
> doesn't work.

iconv will be in libcmd and thus a ksh static builtin in the next alpha

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