Hi Quentin,

how did you try to compile it? What version exactly?
Do you have experience with compiling ksh or is this your first attempt?
Do you have ksh installed in your build environment? What version?

I just tried to compile ksh 2013-07-19 on RHEL-6.4 x86_64 and it completed just fine.

There was similar error once (with ksh 2013-05-24), but it's fixed already.


On 07/25/2013 06:02 PM, Quentin Barnes wrote:> I downloaded the current ast-ksh source with bin/package and
> attempted to build it on a RHEL6.4 x86_64 box.  The shcomp and ksh
> binaries fail to link due to failing to link against libdl and libm.
> Adding "-ldl -lm" manually to the link lines of course work.  Has
> anyone reported this problem or a patch in the works that corrects
> the drop of these libraries?
> I've made the build log available via pastebin.  I had to split into
> two files since combined it's just slightly over the 500K limit:
> http://pastebin.com/twq5tK6e  // ksh build failure on RHEL6.4 (part 1)
> http://pastebin.com/8SfcrxBA  // ksh build failure on RHEL6.4 (part 2)
> Quentin
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