Thanks, the declaration syntax was what I particularly needed, got it working 

Definitely options there that would be supportive of future complications (more 
commands, etc).

> On Feb 1, 2017, at 05:36, Philippe Bergheaud <> 
> wrote:
> > Modern ksh93 allows both what amounts to structures (typeset -T) and
> > arrays (typeset -a or typeset -A).
> > 
> > Is it possible to have an array of structures?  (in particular, an 
> > associative array)
> > 
> > If so, are there any examples available?
> > 
> > Say that I have a structure consisting of at a minimum:
> > 
> > vmhost
> > vmstartcmd
> > vmstopcmd
> > 
> > and I want a structure with those members, and an array of them that
> > can be looked up by vmname, given that I have VMs on multiple hosts 
> > using more than one sort of VM software (e.g. Parallels and VirtualBox).
> >
> I would simply create an associative array with 
>   $ typeset -A vm=( 
>         [name1]=(host='host1'; start='start1'; stop='stop1') 
>         [name2]=(host='host2'; start='start2'; stop='stop2') 
>   ) 
> The whole array could be printed in a reusable format with 
>   $ typeset -p vm 
> Names (array indices) would be enumerated with 
>   $ print ${!vm[*]}        # assuming no blanks in names 
> or 
>   $ print "${!vm[@]}"      # in the general case 
> A name reference (a pointer) could be used to loop over the array entries 
>   $ for name in "${!vm[@]}" 
>   > do 
>   >        typeset -n p=${vm[$name]} 
>   >        print "name=$name host=${} start=${p.start} stop=${p.stop}" 
>   > done 
> Philippe

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