On Apr 8, 2005 1:45 PM, Daniel Bruce Lynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 08 April 2005 01:48 am, Chassignet benjamin wrote:
> > I don't have a full knowledge about GPL license. So I wonder if it is
> > possible to launch a business in integrated PBX
> > (Hardware+Asterisk+interface) without paying something to Digium for that
> > (except of course G.729 licenses for end-user and ISDN cards in case).
> > Moreover, if I don't need to pay a fee, do I need to notice Digium about
> > this Business?
> Essentially the GPL stipulates that the source code must be available to
> anyone who asks for it.  You must let them know that it is available.  Any
> derivative works must also have the source code available.  Essentially, it
> must be free as in speech, not necessarily as in beer.

Also, you only have to make the source available if you distribute
modified gpl software.  If for instance you have a hosted application
that you use to provide a service, and that application uses modified
gpl software, there is no requirement to make the source of  your
modifications available.

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