On Thursday 19 May 2005 12:44, admin wrote:
> The FCC VoIP 911 oreder is official. Check out the press release at
> http://www.fcc.gov/.

It's not too bad except how you deliver 911 to someone who takes his phone 
home/or anywhere else, where he has access to the Internet?

The only way around that seem to be to not allow random access at all. I'm not 
sure how you detect his location unless he has fixed IP at home. Unless you 
leave it up to him to use a website to update his location. (Then the lovely 
situation when it's hacked and scrambled.)

What I liked is that the incumbent LECs has to provide the service to us, I 
just don't know how much one can expect to pay for that access.


Steve Szmidt

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                                Benjamin Franklin
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