smbPBX wrote:
> Matt:
> I am ALWAYS grateful to someone like Thorben and the people at Coalescent 
> Systems (The AMP People) who are making Asterisk easy-to-use for someone 
> like me who is a non-programmer. My contribution can come from testing and 
> sharing my experiences, and of course, cash donations.

Sure, we are do what we can.

> Open-source model does work - Redhat is a large public company. Digium is on 
> its way to make money from support, from their business version of Asterisk, 
> and their ever expanding hardware offerings. And I am sure - and hope - that 
> AMP people do well.

Indeed.  It is definitely my preferred business model.  Hence the work I do
with the news etc.

> In my business experience, I have seen many successful commercial software 
> go open-source after the fact, just speed up the development process. The 
> almost-instant testing nad feedback is indeed very valuable to the 
> developer.

Definitely, as is the code review that typically takes place before the code
is open sourced.  :)

> I, like you, would hope that Thorben would decide to go open source.

Heh, not as much as me, I'm a C# coder!  :)

> I do appreciate the dialog.



Matt Riddell
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