Untrue, Verisign, 3-Delta Systems, ClearCommerce, etc. all do Level III
right now!  We are in talks with them already.  When I posted this
question, I had already found these three - and others - but we were
unimpressed with their rates.  We have now begun negotiations with them
and seem to be getting better rate quotes.  Anyway, at this point I
would say 75% of the established gateways out there support Level III -
no offense to any companies on this list intended - the problem is that
most of them have very high per-transaction rates until they get to know
you, then they start dealing.

Ya, services like Level III are often sold at a premium. Why? Because the market will still bear it. It doesn't cost us anymore to process a transaction with Level III data than any other transaction. You should be able to negotiate down to the same cost as a transaction without Level III data. Ask them why they don't charge extra for address verification but they do for Level III data. If they try to give you any technical reason it's BS.

Sometimes gateways charge more if the merchant is going to need extra support in implementing something, but if you know what you are doing and don't cost them extra support costs, there is no reason why you should pay more just because you want to pass Level III data.


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