Both components come into play.  First, the per minute charges to forward
the calls are the same as if you dialled the number directly from the line
with Call Forwarding.  If the VoIP DID is a local call, and you have
unlimited local calling on your line, there is no additional charge (from
the LEC) to forward calls to the VoIP DID from your phone line.  If you have
a measured rate service, local calls are charged at a minimal rate.  If the
VoIP DID is a toll call, you will be charged for each call, just as if you
had dialled the call manually -- which may involve toll charges from the LEC
or your long distance carrier.  With Remote Call Forwarding, there is always
a per-minute component from the LEC and/or the IXC.  

The second component is making sure there are adequate "facilities" or voice
paths between your line and the VoIP DID.  That is where the additional fee
for paths comes into play.  Purchasing additional paths only ensures that
more than the default maximum number of calls will be forwarded before
presenting callers with a busy signal.  

        -- Trevor Hammonds


From: smbPBX

So, when you callf orward a VZ or SBC incoming to aVoIP service, do they
charge per call or the cost is just $ per month per channel?

Are there any other limitations on call forwarding?


On 8/26/05, Trevor G. Hammonds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

        Rafal Koszyk wrote on Thursday, 25 August 2005 7:53 PM:
        >   Question: because the number will come from SBC, is it just one
        >   channel? if yes - how do I get around that - I can't seem to
        > vanity numbers for the chicago area thats why I'm thinking of
        > sbc.
        The number of call paths available across SBC territories varies
widely.  In
        SBC Midwest Region 5-State (IL, IN, MI, OH, WI), the tariffs each
        for a five call path limitation on Call Forwarding Variable.  So you
will be 
        able to forward at least five calls from a residential or business
        Remote Call Forwarding (RCF) provides for only ONE path.  Additional
        for RCF cost $13.95 per month per path.
        Also, while your region's tariff provides for a certain limit, some
        may be set to allow a higher number of paths (e.g. A 1AESS cannot
        paths, so you get unlimited).
                        Trevor Hammonds

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