Race Vanderdecken wrote:

Hmmm Gentlemen,

        We are presented with a list of things needed to build a good

        Where did this list come from?
I don't see it as anything that he couldn't have done on his own. It's not exactly a detailed specification so there is no way I could quote anything other than my rate schedule.

        Could it be that he has gotten a quote from a Brother Consultant
and now wants to phish for a better bid?
A good consultant doesn't have to do free quotes that involve much of his time. I charge by the hour for doing anything that could be put out for bids. I always advise customers why this is the right way to do it. There are good sources of hardware, origination, termination, etc. available but my customer needs somebody involved who won't be getting any type of commissions or kickbacks from those vendors. If I write a project spec that the rest of you guys bid for, I still get paid for doing that. If I spend a few hours helping my client recruit and hire one of you for the next year or so, I get paid for those hours. It's not unusual for me to make $400 for helping to choose a programmer who will make several thousand dollars. I know the right questions to ask the candidates. Most of my clients think somebody who took a night course in msoffice and wrote a macro is a computer genius.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gary
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 11:06 PM
To: 'Commercial and Business-Oriented Asterisk Discussion'
Subject: RE: [Asterisk-biz] Strategic Alliance

Just to clarify a point:

What I am looking for is one company I can go to for all the technical
and hardware for complex Asterisk installations. They will present
themselves to my clients as my company, to me that is a "Strategic

I am not looking for a banker. I'll pay for a package of support hours
advance and will pay for all hardware when ordered, either by bank
credit card, paypal or whatever is required.

Gary Lawrence ITcom.Net 866.4ITcom1 866.448.2661

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 10:19 PM
To: Commercial and Business-Oriented Asterisk Discussion
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-biz] Strategic Alliance

Paul wrote:

Again, they would deal with him to get income. Anybody with intelligence would want money up front or outstanding credit report before proceeding.

I should mention that an outstanding credit report is one that means I my bank will immediately loan me at least 50% of whatever you owe me at a good interest rate. It also means that I could easily sell unpaid invoices without discounting them too much.

Some people posting here should just say "I am looking for an engineer that also wants to be a banker"

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