Hello Everyone!
For all of you PhoneCALL users, we have a treat for you today as PhoneCALL 2.7-RC1 has been released!

We've worked hard to make this release as close to as bug-free as possible, but in the event you find a bug - PLEASE report it to the bugtracker. It doesn't matter how small of a 'bug' or problem you think it is - all input helps and makes the program better for everyone.

The bug tracker is at:

Get your copy of PhoneCALL in the Downloads section at:

Dustin Wildes

INFO on 2.7-RC1

New System Features include:
-- Better script handling of Arguments
-- New Queue Configuration
-- New Conference(MeetMe) configuration
-- Defaults configuration for SIP/IAX/Voicemail
-- Easy to use Installation Wizard
-- Better Multi-Tenant Support
--  More Security Enhances for user groups
--  New user-login methods from accounts
--  DID Manager implemented
--  New Provider/Trunk manager
--  More Advanced configuration options for accounts
--  Beginning of Wizard API
--  New Context Manager (for creating custom contexts)

Warning: closedir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory....
some settings in configs/generalsettings.php appear to have no affect / redundant
debug (echo) statements in systemPrefs.php
Site Name in system prefs doesn't appear to be used anywhere
Make the $path option a configurable option
Phonecall reports asterisk as not running while in fact the service is running
saveconfig does not write correctly the arguments ?
slashes,subject and body for voicemail - general settings
Text Message field in voicemail config screen too short
phonecall.sql file not compatible with mysql 4
2 variables in generalsettings.php that look the same
Default account preferences for NEW accounts
Update script causing top bar not to display for slow WAN
Script with Multiple arguments posts to DB with ARG# 1 off
Macro Copy
Adding a new Extension does not bring up a screen to fill in arguments
Arguments are not being processed properly with dropdown accounts

--  Realtime Asterisk Support
--  Statistics Support
--  Realtime Monitoring & Status viewers
--  More templates(template engine)
--  More Wizards and Macro defaults
-- Whatever else maybe entered into the bug tracker by the community....(this means you! :) )

Thanks to everyone for their feedback, contributions & support for getting us to 2.7-RC1!

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