I too am confused.

We routinely sell Digium/Asterisk PBX systems to people and I've never had
this problem.

Hardware? voipsupply.com (Let's not get in a battle about the best place to
purchase stuff from... just find a place you like and that gives you a good
discount, and stick with them.  We use voipsupply for all hardware).

Marketing?  Make up your own brochures on why your PBX system is so good,
and how it can outperform those others.  Not that expensive, especially if
you have a colour laser printer.

Support?  Well.. I guess all I can say about this is, learn Asterisk a
little better.  Business Edition support is great for an end user who is
doing it for their business, but hopefully if you are consulting, you know
enough about Linux and Asterisk to be able to fix issues when they come up!

So, remind me what the problem is again?

On 2/4/07, Kim C. Callis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was thinking about all of the Digium products that I have either bought
for clients or have had the client purchase equipment from Digium, and
realized that while there is a big push for reseller and distributors, there
is nothing in place for the, for want of better word, interconnect. I find
myself jumping on the web, looking at Digium's site for general pricing, and
then playing the hunt for what reseller is going to provide me with the best
price. I would be nice if there could be some formalized synthesis between
the reseller and the consultants.

Right now, most consultants more or less stumble into an opportunity.
Asterisk has become the watch word as a ton of sometimes clueless CIO types
attempt to see how Asterisk fits into the equation. When I go out to pitch a
deal, I have to develop my own marketing crap, go and seek out the biggest
bang for the smallest buck, and pull rabbits out of my hat. I would really
be nice is I could get some of the benefit that Digium offers to resellers
and distributors... The reason I bring all of this up is because I went to
see what would be needed to get a reseller relationship with Digium. As I
started looking at the Q&A, I realized that I would not fit in any sort of
way in their requirements. I was also looked at another company (who does
not sell any Digium items), which does allow for consultants to receive
discounts, does provide some marketing  materials, and gives priority for

Without being arrogant, to some degree, it is the consultants that create
the need for Digium hardware! There needs to be some program in place that
recognizes that need and creates a program that will support the

Just my $0.02 and anyone is will argue this point... Or not! :)

Kim C. Callis
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give
orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch
manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently and die
Specialization is for insects!"
-- Robert A. Heinlein
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