On Fri, Sep 14, 2007 at 10:08:34AM -0400, Joe Acquisto wrote:
> Need a definitive answer if this can be done, please. Have a customer
> with an T1 from Verizon.
> Certain incoming calls, on specific lines, need to be forwarded, via
> the T1, to another number. Happens to be an analog line. We wish the
> caller ID, as transmitted by the Asterisk box, to provide the caller
> ID of the original number, not the transferring number.
> There is a legitimate business need for this to be done. It is a cost
> effective solution to business need.
> I've tried a few of the dial plan things I have hunted up, regarding
> CallerID, but the resultant CallerID always show the number associated
> with the asterisk box, not the originating number.
> Some have said the T1 provider "should" allows this.
> Does this run afoul of the anti spoofing laws?

I'd have to read the anti-spoofing laws to see what they say exactly;
the number you want to send is not one associated with the trunk group
originating the call, and so quite a number of switches will ignore it

but the real problem is the one the other respondants are assuming
around: you said "T-1", not "ISDN PRI".  I'm not 100% certain, but I
don't believe you *can* send CNID down a T-1; the span protocols don't
provide a way to do it, the way ISUP does, I don't think.

Since the near end-office doesn't have any way to take CNID from the
channel, it sets whatever that channel is datafilled with on it's
switch as the CNID.

If your span *is* a PRi, then the problem might be technical (AT&T 5E's
typically won't let you "forge" CNID; DMS-100's will -- or at least
they did years ago; haven't looked lately), or administrative.  If the
latter, I'm not sure whom you'd beg to, but since it's Verizontal, good

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                   Baylink                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates     http://baylink.pitas.com                     '87 e24
St Petersburg FL USA      http://photo.imageinc.us             +1 727 647 1274


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