this is great tool!

i wanted some nice looking tool for the system tray for a long time
- howto setup echo server with asterisk?
- can this tool measure jitter,delay, packet loss and log it to DB like sqlite? or over network to mysql? - can you imagine some API which can use (like - i cant call if MOS is lower than 3)

Dne 17.6.2013 20:10, Sevana Oy napsal(a):
This one is extremely simple, please find the main PHP script attached, but we can deliver you the whole set of scripts as well.

On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 10:00 PM, Zohair Raza < <>> wrote:

    Can you share the server side code as well?

    In case if we want to host inside our network

    Zohair Raza

    On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 7:30 PM, Sevana Oy <
    <>> wrote:

        AQuA Meter


        We would like to offer you to learn about our new application
        that performs scheduled voice test calls to a predefined
        echo server and then uses our AQuA web service to evaluate the
        call quality.

        We developed it because several VoIP service providers have
        inquired us for a possibility to make test calls from local
        machines within
        their customers’ network.

        A typical example is when you provide VoIP communications to a
        company that rents its premises (including an Internet
        connection) in a
        business center. In this case it is quite important to monitor
        voice call quality from different computers in the office
        space to the
        service provider’s server.

        This is a cross platform (Windows, Linux, MAC) Java
        application and uses our latest developments in waveform
        analysis to evaluate voice call quality:

        The setup is simple: our application calls the echo server
        (apparently provided by the VoIP service provider), plays a
        reference audio and records the playback from the echo server
        and can thus provide overall (both ways) call quality analysis.

        We are very interested to receive your feedback and feature
        wishlist. The application is free.

        Best Regards,

        Sevana Oy/Oü

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