The Asterisk Development Team would like to announce the first
release candidate of Asterisk 16.21.0.
This release candidate is available for immediate download at

The release of Asterisk 16.21.0-rc1 resolves several issues reported by the
community and would have not been possible without your participation.

Thank you!

The following issues are resolved in this release candidate:

Deprecations made in this release:
 * ASTERISK-29548 - app_meetme: Deprecated in 19, to be removed
      in 21
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29549 - app_osploop: Deprecated in 19, to be removed
      in 21
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29550 - chan_alsa: Deprecated in 19, to be removed
      in 21
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29551 - chan_mgcp: Deprecated in 19, to be removed
      in 21
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29552 - chan_skinny: Deprecated in 19, to be removed
      in 21
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29553 - res_pktccops: Deprecated in 19, to be
      removed in 21
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29554 - cdr_mysql: Deprecated in 1.8, to be removed
      in 19
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29555 - app_mysql: Deprecated in 1.8, to be removed
      in 19
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29557 - app_ices: Deprecated in 16, to be removed in
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29558 - app_macro: Deprecated in 16, to be removed
      in 21
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29559 - app_fax: Deprecated in 16, to be removed in
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29560 - app_url: Deprecated in 16, to be removed in
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29561 - app_image: Deprecated in 16, to be removed
      in 19
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29562 - app_nbscat: Deprecated in 16, to be removed
      in 19
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29563 - app_dahdiras: Deprecated in 16, to be
      removed in 19
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29564 - cdr_syslog: Deprecated in 16, to be removed
      in 19
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29565 - chan_oss: Deprecated in 16, to be removed in
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29566 - chan_phone: Deprecated in 16, to be removed
      in 19
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29567 - chan_sip: Deprecated in 17, to be removed in
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29568 - chan_nbs: Deprecated in 16, to be removed in
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29569 - chan_misdn: Deprecated in 16, to be removed
      in 19
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29570 - chan_vpb: Deprecated in 16, to be removed in
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29571 - res_config_sqlite: Deprecated in 16, to be
      removed in 19
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29572 - res_monitor: Deprecated in 16, to be removed
      in 21
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29573 - conf2ael: Deprecated in 16, to be removed in
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)
 * ASTERISK-29574 - muted: Deprecated in 16, to be removed in
      (Reported by Joshua C. Colp)

Improvements made in this release:
 * ASTERISK-29472 - res_pjsip: OLI/ANI2 support missing
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29626 - app_stack: Include calling location if
      attempting to branch to nonexistent location
      (Reported by
      N A)
 * ASTERISK-29632 - Add option to Application_VoiceMail to
      suppress instructions only when a custom greeting is present
      (Reported by Charlie Smurthwaite)
 * ASTERISK-29605 - chan_iax2: Add ANI2
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29508 - STUN server address refresh
      by Sébastien Duthil)
 * ASTERISK-29612 - bridge_basic: Don't throw warning if
      attended transfer is cancelled
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29544 - Media Cache - Delayed remote sound file
      retrieve delays all playbacks
      (Reported by Andre Barbosa)
 * ASTERISK-29541 - app_morsecode: Add American Morse code
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29495 - Return integer instead of float if response
      is a whole number
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29543 - app_originate: Allow specifying codec(s) to
      (Reported by N A)

Bugs fixed in this release:
 * ASTERISK-29654 - pjproject includes trailing whitespace in
      sdp format attributes
      (Reported by George Joseph)
 * ASTERISK-29635 - MP3Player don' t work with actual mpg123
      (Reported by Carlos Oliva)
 * ASTERISK-27176 - test_abstract_jb: frames leak
      (Reported by Corey Farrell)
 * ASTERISK-29634 - res_snmp:  gcc 11 needs -fPIC to compile
      (Reported by George Joseph)
 * ASTERISK-29630 - Asterisk is unable to read extended number
      format terminfo files
      (Reported by Sean Bright)
 * ASTERISK-28004 - dns: Core ast_dns_get_nameservers does not
      support configured IPv6 servers
      (Reported by Isaac
 * ASTERISK-29618 - ConfBridge errors on creation conference
      (Reported by Alexander Zharov)
 * ASTERISK-29622 - ARI: external media create doesn't use body
      (Reported by sungtae kim)
 * ASTERISK-29614 - app_agent_pool: XML Doc: unterminated entity
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29609 - Subsequent 'ael reload' will cause a lock
      (Reported by Mark Murawski)
 * ASTERISK-28701 - app_queue: Core reload resets queue stats,
      even when keepstats=yes
      (Reported by Luke Escude)
 * ASTERISK-29616 - res_rtp_asterisk: sqrt(.) requires the
      header math.h.
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29518 - sig_analog: FCG_CAMA fails to signal ANI
      spill when using MF signaling
      (Reported by Sarah Autumn)
 * ASTERISK-29582 - res_pjproject: Can't map pjproject log
      messages to Asterisk TRACE
      (Reported by George Joseph)
 * ASTERISK-29575 - app_milliwatt: Milliwatt application doesn't
      use the proper timings
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-20339 - chan_mgcp, resp_pktccops ast_debug support
      (Reported by Tomas Maldonado)
 * ASTERISK-29540 - aelparse: include of context with timings
      (Reported by Alexander Traud)
 * ASTERISK-29539 - Segmentation fault at ast_writestream() when
      write handler not defined (happens with OGG/Speex)
      (Reported by Ernani José Camargo Azevedo)

New Features made in this release:
 * ASTERISK-29496 - Add SendMF application
      (Reported by N
 * ASTERISK-29627 - Add STRBETWEEN function
      (Reported by N
 * ASTERISK-29628 - Add file and directory functions
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29531 - Add SAYFILES function
      (Reported by N
 * ASTERISK-29546 - Add tone detection module
      (Reported by
      N A)
 * ASTERISK-18454 - Option for Read to be able to accept #
      (Reported by Sta Retji)
 * ASTERISK-29542 - Add audio scrambler
      (Reported by N A)
 * ASTERISK-29478 - Function to drop frames in the TX or RX
      (Reported by N A)

For a full list of changes in this release candidate, please see the ChangeLog:

Thank you for your continued support of Asterisk!
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