A few note about each file.

OS79XX.TXT: Should always have this old version of the code for the phone.
Ringlist.xml: Lets you have custom ring tones (not a good to have Bart saying eat my shorts as your ringer)
SIP-MAC-ADDRESS.cnf : Phone setup goes here. Set You telnet password if you want to log into the phone and do sip debugging.
SIPDefault.cnf: Default values, note this is were you tell your phone what version of code to download.
dialplan.xml: The dialplan for the phone....mostly to set timeouts before dialing.

John Todd wrote:

I'm interested in the example xml configs, if you have some to send. I'm getting some 7960's shortly, and would appreciate the hints.


In case you have never setup a 7960 before.  The easies
way is to setup dhcp and have the code on a tftp server.
option tftp-server-name         "your.tftp.edu";

If you need a copy of the xml configs or dial plans for the
phone let me know, and I send some your way.

There is a nasty bug with REFER in the SIP code
for that phone before version P0S3-04-3-00.bin

Mark Spencer wrote:

I have played with the timeouts :int timeout, int ftimeout
for ast_readstring(chan, password, sizeof(password) - 1, 2000, 10000, "#")
To no effect, Could you give me a pointer to where
I can start looking next to track down this strangeness.
Maybe something in the SIP driver? Getting
in and out of band DTMF? etc...

Best place to look is probably the RTP code, where the digits are
generated. Specifically look at the rfc2833 routines, assuming that's how
they're being sent. I just got a 7960 on loan, so I'm going to set it up
so that I can try to duplicate any problems you're having.


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