This may be slight off topic, but perhaps it has relevance:

My iconnecthere account no longer works for "inbound" calls through NAT using the standard configuration that they provide on their website. I have sent them a message, but I believe it will be flushed down the toilet by the first-tier support people.

When I call my iconnect number, it goes directly to voicemail. There aren't even any packets sent to my NAT/ATA-186 device at all; it's as if they didn't see my REGISTER request, despite their "OK" reply to my REGISTERs.

Asterisk has different symptoms for inbound calls from iconnect. See my previous email. In short, they INVITE me to the call, but don't seem to hear my replies and then dump the call into voicemail after timing out. This is not on NAT; this is all clear-IP transactions.

If anyone from iconnecthere or deltathree is lurking on the list, please see if you can figure out what is fubar'ed there, if anything.

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