Finally, I have NATted ATA-186s working with Asterisk (thanks to
all who made this happen)! My final troubles were with the firmware
version in the 186 -- if you have troubles with this (as I did), make
sure you have the newest firmware in the 186.. Otherwise it just won't

     Now for my current question - has anyone successfully gotten DTMF
recognition to happen on iconnect SIP calls? I cannot seem to get it to
work for either incoming or outgoing (tried the dtmfmode=inband in
sip.conf, and am running the newest CVS version of Asterisk). I found a
few messages on this topic in the archives, but did not find anything
with a definitive answer. My apologies if this is question is redundant.
If anyone knows how to get this working, I would be very grateful

Matthew Farley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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