I don't think you understood my reply, I also don't use
Asterisk as a UA no calls are registered to Asterisk.
Asterisk just needs to be able reach the  phone.
For this you need a "peer" statement for each phone.
That never takes calls.  And a way for Asterisk to reach
the phone when it has a MWI message (host=phone_ip).
You can supply this ip with DDNS records. Asterisk
needs the ip supplied to it some-way, if the phone registers
with asterisk it has the ip to send the MWI message. If the
phones does not register, you need some way to supply
the ip. With out DDNS you would not be able to move
the phones from LAN to LAN and still get MWI.

Again you will need a peer like this:

insecure=yes canreinvite=no context=default

For each phone.

billp wrote:

I still do not think you understand my question...

I am using 'ser' for my SIP gatekeeper.

I am using asterisk for VOICEMAIL ONLY.

The only time incoming calls touch asterisk is when someone
does not answer their phone, and SER (the SIP gatekeeper)
redirects the caller to asterisk/port 5110 to take a message.

So- the question is- if asterisk is not the main
SIP gatekeeper, can it still signal the 7960 phone's MWI?

Either way-- I am looking for a successful unsolicited NOTIFY
text that actually turns on the MWI on a SIP 7960.  From that,
we can write our own MWI on/off routines if necessary.


On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 06:47:44AM -0600, James Sizemore wrote:

Message waiting indication work fine you
just need to set up DDNS for phones Asterisks
Needs to know how to reach the phones!

insecure=yes canreinvite=no context=default

You will need to have no voice mail be for
you start to test this.

Also your phones control port needs to be
5060, Asterisk will not use another port.

billp wrote:

Two issues-- is anyone using Asterisk as a gatekeeper with
cisco 7960 phones and cisco gateways? Experiences, thoughts,
etc appreciated. If anyone has moved from/to ser to/from Asterisk, I would be interested in hearing experiences...

We have been trying to get message waiting indication working
on our 7960's without luck.

Is anyone using MWI on 7960's when Asterisk is ONLY being used
for voicemail, and not for a gatekeeper?

If anyone has MWI working successfully with 7960's, would it
be possible to get a dump of a successful NOTIFY message that
turns a light on/off?


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