I'm having some problems getting an ATA186 behind NAT working. When I had it on the same subnet as the Asterisk server, it worked fine. Now Ive taken the ATA on the road with me, and it's behind a Dlink router+firewall, doing NAT. I pick it up, hear a dialtone .. the firewall on the asterisk side presently has everything open to this subnet, so I know that's not really an issue. (what needs to be open, though?)

Here's what the * server is giving me in SIP debug, though:

9 headers, 0 lines Interface is eth0 IP Address is Using latest request as basis request Sending to : 5060 (non-NAT) Transmitting (no NAT): SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To: sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED];tag=6b5fab60 Call-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] CSeq: 1 REGISTER User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Contact: <sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Length: 0

Suggestions? (IPs have been changed to protect the innocent)

Thanks for any help you can give -- I was sort of relying on using this while I'm on the road.

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