On Tuesday 01 April 2003 17:13, Gene Kochanowsky wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am running Asterisk with a T100P and a Zhone channel bank
> for over a month now. For the most part it works fine but from
> time to time (about once a week) the system will not let go of
> a line and will play the greeting over and over. Anyone
> calling gets a busy signal. If I reset Asterisk everything
> works fine. Has anyone seen this problem before and fixed it?
> If so what did you do?

Set an AbsoluteTimeout.

exten => s,1,AbsoluteTimeout(600)

Note that when you set the AbsoluteTimeout, it resets any prior
timeout counter.  When you call an extension, set the timeout
to 0 to disable it.


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