On Thursday 03 Apr 2003 16:58, Klaus-Peter Junghanns shaped the electrons to 
> Hi d hintion,
> hmmm...getting approvals for europe isnt that easy.
> because you get the approval for a combination of hardware
> and driver software, so when you change the driver you loose
> the approval.
that is the old legislation and does not count anymore. basically you only 
need the hardware approved currently afaik.

> oh yes, sure you can produce the cards and sell them cheaper,
> but that doesnt take the development time of the zaptel drivers
> into account. opening up a competition against digium based on
> their software and GPLed hardware design doesnt sound good to me .....
> rather sounds like M$ style to me.
> regards
> kapejod

Michael Bielicki
Managing Director
TAAN Consultants Ltd


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