I've a problem with my X100P card.

I'm setting up a VoIP to PSTN gateway,with oh323. This works, but when I
call an PSTN phone number, some digits are duplicated, so I'm unable to
call the right person.

Not very clear ? I'll try to do better (sorry, I'm french...)
example :
I use ohphone (with quicknet hardware), I call asterisk
(*192*168*1*204#), asterisk answers, I choose "9" (to do an extern call,
see my extensions.conf below), so I've a dial tone. Now I call
"0684357917" with my OH323 client but asterisk calls something like

Is it a problem with the french PSTN network ?

This are my conf files :

-> extensions.conf


; jouer un fichier des le debut..
exten => s,1,Playback,demo-thanks ;for playing a file

; 9 pour appeler un num exterieur (VoIP->PSTN)
ignorepat => 9
exten => 9,1,Dial(Zap/1-1/)
exten => 9,2,Congestion

-> zapate.conf

channel=>1 ;X100P

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