Would it be feasible to look into implementing a way to preserve SIP
(and possibly other protocols') registrations during a scheduled or
otherwise requested restart of asterisk? I am thinking somewhat along
the lines that the SIP registration has a certain duration during which
it is valid that is in some ways akin to a dhcp lease. In most cases, I
would think that a momentary outage by restarting the asterisk server
would not affect registrations by SIP devices.

Asterisk could either maintain constantly or write on demand (ie
immediately before a requested restart) a cache file of SIP
registrations and their expiry times that is read in on startup. Remote
(dynamic ip) phones would not have to wait to re-register in order to
immediately receive calls. 

Perhaps the issues surrounding sip registration internally to asterisk
are more complicated, and this cannot be solved by a simple cache of
sorts, but the idea is out here anyway..


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