2003-06-28 Bandwidth Study - John Todd (jtodd @loligo.com)

To obtain a better chart of actual bandwidth usage per codec as seen "on-the-wire" when using IAX2 trunking between two Asterisk telephony servers.

Past threads on the asterisk-dev and asterisk-users lists have indicated that the optimal way to save bandwidth on multiple calls to the same destination is to use IAX2 (Inter-Asterisk eXchange version 2) in "trunk" mode, which eliminates IP overhead to a large degree. This trunking eliminates the IP overhead found in individual VoIP IP streams by pipelining RTP data from multiple calls into single (larger) packets, thus removing the redundancy of IP overhead for each RTP stream and more closely allowing bandwidth scaling as a function of codec usage instead of a function of (codec usage + IP overhead.) Of course, this mode can only be used if all the calls are between two specific Asterisk servers, but this is frequently the case with toll-avoidance situations or between two branch offices where there is an Asterisk server at each location.

Various statements have been made as to which codec is the most efficient at moving traffic over limited bandwidth. Often, these statements would quote the codec usage itself, and not include the IP and/or IAX2 overhead which is vital in computing actual bandwidth usage between two endpoints on the Internet - merely measuring codec theoretical usage is insufficient for real-world costing and provisioning purposes.

I needed to actually quantify these numbers with 'real' on-the-wire examinations of traffic to build my own competence with quoting these figures, as they are frequently requested from me by clients. To this end I had never compared the major protocols side-by-side in any formal manner. Thus, on a beautiful Saturday morning when I should have been outside at the farmer's market or on my bike, I sat inside in a darkened computer room and said "blah" several hundred times at a movie theater recording.

These numbers may come as no surprise to those who have configured them before, but I have not as yet seen a back-to-back comparison here, so I post it for your examination and my record-keeping. I am a firm proponent of "don't believe everything you hear" which applies doubly-so for Internet rumors, so I had to test these codecs myself to prevent rude surprises in the future. In keeping with that spirit, you should not believe my numbers, and test these yourself and post updates to the list to double-check my methods and results in a public forum.

Experiment notes and methods:
- Raw figures below are bi-directional, meaning that the numbers include both incoming/outgoing voice traffic. "Cooked" figures are included in parenthesis - raw numbers were divided by two and turned into kbps for your ease of reading. Packets per second not cooked, and that is left as an exercise to the reader.
- Phones were Cisco 7960 devices
- Calls were bi-directional with audio, using the same recording at the PSTN side, and my use of the word "blah" repeatedly spoken into the 7960 at a steady rate
- Diagram: 7960(G.711) -> *(IAX2) -> Internet -> *(IAX2) -> T100P -> PSTN (PRI)
- The number for "Estimated IP Overhead" was obtained by subtracting (additional channel usage) from (single channel usage.) This is possibly inaccurate.
- Asterisk server talking to SIP phones: Asterisk CVS-06/27/03-07:29:29
- Asterisk server talking to PRI: Asterisk CVS-05/26/03-15:30:05
- Method used to obtain figures "rate -b -f 'host my.iax2.host and not port ssh' "
- All tests were done with IAX2 trunking turned on ("trunk=yes" in iax.conf for each peer)
- All tests were verified on the remote host for use of the proper codec during calls
- All tests performed over one minute
- All measurements performed twice, and averaged
- Calls were allowed to complete, then testing started for one minute, then testing stopped, and calls were hung up (in other words, call setup and teardown was not factored into any of these figures, but I suspect that will not make a difference)
- Protocols untested: G.723.1, adpcm, mp3, slinear
- When measuring bandwidth, "kilobit" is 1000 bits per second (not 1024) and a megabit is 1,000,000 bits per second

Testing results: ------------- G.711 (ulaw) one call: 164333.75 bps/94.26 pps ( 82.1 kbps) two calls: 296171.60 bps/101.46 pps (148.0 kbps)

  For every additional call:      131837 bps (65.9 kbps)
  Est. IP/IAX2 overhead (1 call):  32495 bps (16.0 kbps)
  Raw number of calls per megabit: 15

 one call:   56134.91 bps/67.45 pps    (28.0 kbps)
 two calls:  98679.11 bps/102.41 pps   (49.3 kbps)

  For every additional call:       42544 bps (21.2 kbps)
  Est. IP/IAX2 overhead (1 call):  13590 bps ( 6.7 kbps)
  Raw number of calls per megabit: 47

 one call:   60124.33 bps/101.26 pps   (30.0 kbps)
 two calls:  79496.23 bps/102.85 pps   (39.7 kbps)

  For every additional call:       19372 bps ( 9.6 kbps)
  Est. IP/IAX2 overhead (1 call):  40752 bps (20.3 kbps)
  Raw number of calls per megabit: 103

 one call:   70958.16 bps/102.13 pps   (35.4 kbps)
 two calls: 100455.23 bps/102.63 pps   (50.2 kbps)

  For every additional call:       29497 bps (14.7 kbps)
   Est. IP/IAX2 overhead (1 call): 41461 bps (20.7 kbps)
  Raw number of calls per megabit: 68

 one call:   43855.44 bps/89.94  pps   (21.9 kbps)
 two calls:  56059.18 bps/100.81 pps   (28.0 kbps)

  For every additional call:       12203 bps ( 6.1 kbps)
  Est. IP/IAX2 overhead (1 call):  31561 bps (15.8 kbps)
  Raw number of calls per megabit: 164

 one call:   74817.18 bps/101.06 pps   (37.4 kbps)
 two calls: 109692.68 bps/102.18 pps   (54.8 kbps)

  For every additional call:       34875 bps (17.4 kbps)
  Est. IP/IAX2 overhead (1 call):  39941 bps (19.9 kbps)
  Raw number of calls per megabit: 57

lpc10 is the clear winner for thrifty use of bandwidth. However, voice quality is on the robotic-sounding side, and may not be acceptable for users who are expecting something near toll-quality. Calls are perfectly understandable, but nuances are lost with this codec. This was the only codec that had significant quality issues that were worth mentioning in this study; other codecs have different sound quality ratings, but their differences are minor enough that they are not relevant to the scope of this examination. That being said about call quality, there is certainly a tradeoff to getting ~164 calls in a megabit, which is extremely impressive.

G.729 is the next best from a bandwidth standpoint, and expected additional channel usage is very close to the quoted bandwidth of G.729 codec usage - ~9.6kbps in each direction. The next most efficient codec would be GSM at 14.7kbps, and third would be Speex at 17.4kbps.

Somewhat surprising were the IP/IAX2 overhead figures for ILBC - they are almost one-third that of some other protocols. I tested that particular number three times to make sure I did not make any errors, and all tests were within 3% of each other, so that is an unexpected but consistent result. Of course, my method for obtaining these estimated IP/IAX2 overhead figures may be inappropriate - I welcome comments on the method used to estimate those numbers.

I only had two phones with which to test, and only a limited amount of time. More accurate testing would be achieved by putting many more lines into a trunk and watching the bits-per-second growth of the IAX2 trunk - two calls is probably not sufficient to examine true bandwidth usage in anything other than a general way. Most interesting would be to watch the growth of LPC10 channel usage, as they are supposed to be only 2.4kbps, which could possibly result in many more channels per megabit if the overhead figures stay roughly the same with more channels added. The 6.1 number for LPC10 seems a bit high, given that the quoted usage is 2.4kbps.

http://www.asterisk.org/ - Asterisk open-source VoIP/CTI platform
http://s-tech.elsat.net.pl/bmtools/ - for the "rate" bandwidth measurement tool
http://www.erlang.com/bandwidth.html - basic common IP rates for some codecs

Shameless plug:
I am a consultant, and I'm happy to do this kind of work to further develop your products or deployments of VoIP/Asterisk systems. Mail me (jtodd @loligo.com) for details.

JT _______________________________________________ Asterisk-Users mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users

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