I already have a web page to do it, I just wanted to add these feature upon request by a customer, and yes, he wants the data keyed in.

I was looking at AGI command, GET DATA, will try it.


Steven Critchfield wrote:

On Sat, 2003-07-05 at 05:43, Ing. Angel Gomez Garcia wrote:


Mmmmhhhh. that example assumes that you are making the change to call-transfer dialing from your extension, what if you are away, even away from the office and you want to transfer all the calls to the phone where you're at ?

But I agree, I think it can be done with pattern matching, altough its going to be a 'messy' solution.

You don't need to use AGI if you are willing to use postgres or the db functions. On my system, we have a postgres table that we can remap our oncall phone number. Of course we use a web page to change the number, but it could easily be done from extension.

An option you might want to think about, is having your users call from
the phone they want it to be transfered to, and then use the callerid
number to do the forward to. Then you don't have to worry about user

If you are insterested in still having the user key in the data, you
probably want to go all AGI then where you can do several more
interesting things with data collection.

Brancaleoni Matteo wrote:

basically, you need to do call transfer, right?
why not using pattern matching?
When your user wants to change is def. exten, it will
be dropped in a submenu (ie another context) with pattern matching.

from here you could match a number and store it in a db.

see http://www.junghanns.net/asterisk/page6.html
(the great capigod asterisk page)


Il sab, 2003-07-05 alle 12:00, Ing. Angel Gomez Garcia ha scritto:

Hi all.

Is there a way to collect the digits dialled in asterisk and stored them in a variable ? I'm setting a submenu for the user to change his extension dial in treatment from a standard extension to something like 'automatic transfer' and I need to ask for the number where to transfer the calls, pass it to an AGI and store it in a DB for later use.

I also need to ask the user for his extension/password to validate it before making the change.

Thank's in advance for any help.

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