On Sun, 2003-07-13 at 16:57, Tim Petlock wrote:
Hi all.

 I've been lurking here for a couple weeks just trying to get an idea of
 how to install asterisk.  I'm running Debian with a custom kernel
 version 2.4.18.  I think I've got all the dependencies installed -
 debian packages readline4 and openssl are installed.  It's a very
 barebones install with only the packages relevant to building a kernel
 and asterisk installed.

 The compile of zaptel fails with:
 Depmod: *** unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.18/misc/zaptel.o
 /sbin/depmod -a
 I recently purchased the developer's kit from Digium with a single port
 FXO and single (active) port FXS card.

What am I doing wrong?

First off, use depmod -ae and it will tell you what symbols you are missing.

My first guess is that you do not have ppp in your kernel and I think
the default zaptel is using ppp symbols. If you notice this via using
depmod -ae, you will have 2 options;
1: enable ppp in your kernel as a module and just recompile the modules.
2: edit the makefile and comment out the ppp option and recompile.
Steven Critchfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I recently installed on Debian for the first time, and made some notes on the process, which you'll find below. I'm not using the PPP modules, so I just commented that section out and it seemed to mostly solve my problems after I got all the right libraries installed.


debian asterisk install notes:
- in asterisk/Makefile: added "-I/usr/local/ssl/include" to CFLAGS line
- in asterisk/res/Makefile: added "-L/usr/local/ssl/lib" to CRYPTO_LIBS line
- in zaptel/Makefile: commented out KFLAGS+=-DCONFIG_ZAPATA_PPP   line
- installed libnewt-dev
- installed newt-tcl (not sure if actually needed)
- installed "apt-get source openssl"
- installed "apt-get install openssl"

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