On Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:55:51 -0500, Tilghman Lesher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Monday 14 July 2003 12:24 pm, Rainer Jochem wrote:
Then I thought that it would be a good idea to do an upgrade
to v5.0... (yes, never touch a running system ;)
But now - there's only the possibility to create and use
Did I just don't find it or isn't there any chance to do SIP
calls with Messenger 5.0 any more?

That's correct. MSN Messenger 5.0 removed all interoperability from the client. Considering it's from Microsoft, are you really surprised?


Part of the problem may be that you installed "MSN" Messenger in place of "Windows" Messenger that came with win2k. MSN Messenger is the OLDER protocol. I'm running Windows Messenger on WinXP 4.7 and it seems to be the latest (could be mistaken about it being the latest, but I just ran a windows update on it the other day...)

Hope this helps...
Stefan Johnson

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