You didn't mention the distro you are using. I'm wondering if you are
using one of the distros that leans towards the alsa drivers. If so,
then chan_oss would have problems.

On Sun, 2003-07-20 at 19:16, Stuart Hirst wrote:
> I am having a problem getting music on hold working one of my servers.
> I have had this working on a PII 400 just fine but decided to upgrade
> my Asterisk server to a PIV 1.5ghz.
> I have installed mpg123 which seems to be working fine but when I
> start *, I get the following error message at the CLI prompt when I
> start *:
> WARNING[81931]: File chan_oss.c, Line 232 (sound_thread): Read error
> on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable
> I have checked that the sound card works by loading X11 and running
> sound tests which is fine. I have used "lsof /dev/dsp" to see if
> another application or server is controlling the sound device and
> without * running, nothing is reported. With * running lsof reports
> that * has the device. Voicemail works fine.
> When I put a call on hold the CLI shows moh starting but nothing is
> played. No errors are reported whilst starting moh.
> I have been trying lots of different things for hours now without
> success.
> Anyone got any pointers ?
> Rgds,
> Stuart
Steven Critchfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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