Siggi Langauf wrote:

No idea, I avoid dealing with CCM at all.... I fought tooth and nail to
stop them from wasting money on it, but they wouldn't listen to me.

Same thing here: they're probably going to pour Millions of Euros into the Cisco dump during the next year. Unless I manage convince them to use *, of course ;-)

But now I'm getting confused: you're _not_ using CCM??

I have nothing to do with Cisco or CCM, no. (Hell no) A few of my customers wasted money on CCM and are now looking to me to pull them out of the hole they dug themselves by not listening to me in the first place.

OTOH, your scenario doesn't look like it's involving any Skinny phones, so
maybe your CCM doesn't setup streams for foreign (IP phones') IP
addresses, which would explain why you're not hitting this bug...

I don't know how u can get away with not using Skinny on CCM. We use
Skinny phones into H.323 trunks for voicemail. Instead of wasting more
money on Unity, I talked them into Asterisk voicemail. Even without all
the fancy integration, they are still happy.

So you _do_ have CCM, and Cisco's Skinny phones, and this setup does actually work for you:

Cisco 7960 <--(Skinny)--> CCM
    ^                     ^
    |                     |
   RTP                   H.323 call setup
    |                     |
    +--- * chan_h323 -----+
            *<---> app_voicemail2

That RTP connection on the left-hand side was misdirected to CCM for me,
until I switched to chan_oh323...

I never bothered to check out the actual RTP path, but the one customer I have implemented Asterisk in their CCM based network has no complaints, so something must be working right.

Jeremy McNamara

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